
Monday, March 15, 2010

Two More Quakes Plus Epic Storm

The top news this morning on all the TODAY shows was talking about the epic storm that has been lashing the northeastern U.S.

Trees are down everywhere, half a million people have lost their electricity, floods are taking out towns and seven people have died when trees sliced through their homes. One guy said that he had never seen "anything like it".

Boy, it sure seems that the area surrounding Washington D.C. has been hit by the worst winter in living memory. Could there be some sort of coincidence of Godly proportions surrounding all these events? Could God be trying to wake us all up to the power of His Majesty?

Also two more quakes exceeding 6.0 happened over the weekend...but if they don't kill people....they don't make the news. One was in Japan and one was in Indonesia.

You can see Japan 6.6 quake news here;,3566,589189,00.html

You can see Indonesia 6.4 quake news here;

“And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh" (Luke 21:28).

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