
Monday, April 26, 2010

Another Day Another Quake

As I perused today's news, I noticed that another 6.5 earthquake struck Taiwan and made all the buildings sway. Thankfully, it appears that there was little damage....just more people getting freaked out and wondering what the heck is going on.

The article I was reading commented on all the quake activity and ended with the question;
If anyone has any thoughts on this comment or on all the quakes that have been happening lately, feel free to comment below.

Good question.

I started reading through what some of the comments that were left by readers and was excited to see this comment left by someone named Keri;

"The nations and kingdoms of the earth will rise against each other and there will be famines and earthquakes in many places. But all this will be only the beginning of the horrors to come." Matthew 24:7-8. All that is happening around us is clearly written in the Bible for all to see. Major earthquakes are happening all the time now, and we hear of 30% of the bee colonies just disappearing, which greatly affects a plethora of foods we love; the entire world is against Israel, etc. Jesus Christ is at the door and every single one of us had better be prepared. Accept Him as your Lord and Savior NOW before it is too late! This is the ONLY way you can escape the coming horrors of the Tribulation. Have you seen horror movies? Well, you "ain't seen nothin' yet", because the horrors of the 7-year Tribulation is unimaginable to us because it has never happened like this before on the face of the earth! The Bible says that NONE would survive if He didn't intervene! Scientists can come up with all the reasons they like as to why all this is happening (such as "every hundred thousand years, the earth does such and such"). Oh really? Were you there? Was it documented? We need to dust off our Bibles, read the Truths in that book, which is the INERRANT word of God. Please understand that God is trying to get our attention! He doesn't want ANY to perish! Won't you dust off your Bible and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior today? May the Holy Spirit guide you and bless you!

See it here;

Sounds like Keri has put on the "third lens of scripture"....and truly nailed a response!

Good job Keri!! I hope to meet you one day soon at the wedding feast!!

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