Friday, April 2, 2010

Communist Darkness Falling on USA

Check this out;

In what is being described as one of the most astounding power grabs in modern history by newspaper headlines around the World, President Obama has succeeded in his audacious plan to remake America into a full fledged godless communist empire barely one year into his term with the enactment into law by the US Congress of his mammoth health care plan innocuously named H.R. 3200-Americas Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 and described by one Kremlin legal expert as having “nothing at all to do with health, but everything to do with control.”

To fully grasp the full and grim implications of Obama’s power grab over the American people with his Nationalization of the United States entire health care industry and student loan programme accomplished with the passing of this new law, it must be remembered that since taking office on January 20, 2009 he has also taken over their automobile, mortgage, and banking industries too with the Internet said being next “in his sights”.

More insidious than these takeovers that have been destroying America’s once vibrant capitalistic system is the new regime these once free peoples are now destined to live under, and where under their new health care law will require all of them to carry a National ID card (page 58) and allow their government unlimited access to all of their bank accounts and personal records (page 159).

And in a chilling instance of the ancient prophecies for these time of “
The Mark of the Beast” becoming reality, the National ID card all of the American people will now be required to possess (regardless of age) is to be combined with their new government ID card under their upcoming new immigration laws allowing them to work and is biometrically designed to “read” the backs of their hands.

See it here;

Our previous post talked about national ID cards in India....but will be coming here. And the Obama administration has done an awful lot, in 15 months, to bring us closer to this day.

Hat tip to Mick L.


Blogger April Swartzer said...

Dennis - I was just watching Glen Beck and he mentioned the spiritual advisor to Obama, Jim Wallis. I found this on the internet and was a bit taken back at how this guy uses the scriptures.

See it here:

April 5, 2010 at 4:28 PM  
Blogger dennis said...

Amazing, isn't it? Wallis says that the gospel message is really about redistributing wealth and then brings up the Year of Jubilee as an example.

Expect more from these so called "Christian" leaders.

The one point that he made that does have merit, however, is the point about "Christians" and their giving. If all 2 billion people who claim to be Christians were actually giving 10% or more to the Christian charities and churches of their choice....the world would be a far different place. I have seen figures that show that as a group, it's more like 1% that is given.

April 5, 2010 at 8:36 PM  

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