Sunday, September 15, 2024

Turkey Calls for Islamic Alliance Against Israel

 It seems like we are seeing Ezekiel 38 continue to form right before our eyes!  

Turkey is a member of NATO which is a group of countries that have banded together to foment Soviet aggression.  Today it targets Russian aggression.  But here you have Turkey starting to align itself with Russia!  You can't make it up.

A few weeks ago I posted a video that Russia made for military recruitment.  In the ad one soldier can be seen praying to God using the cross, while another Muslim soldier can be seen praying to Allah.  The point of the ad was to show that all Russians, Christian or Muslim, worship the same god and can all fight together for the glory of Mother Russia.

How much longer can it be until Iran, Russia, Turkey and a bunch of Muslim nations decide to destroy Israel once and for all?

If that's the case, how much longer can it be until Jesus comes for His bride, the church??

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Saturday called on Islamic nations to ally against "the growing threat of expansionism" from Israel.

He made the remarks a day after the death of a dual U.S.-Turkish citizen during a protest near Nablus (Shechem) in Samaria. The Israel Defense Forces is investigating allegations that Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, 26, an activist with the anti-Israel International Solidarity Movement, was shot by Israeli forces.

"The only step that will stop Israeli arrogance, Israeli banditry and Israeli state terrorism is the alliance of Islamic countries," Erdoğan said at an Islamic schools' association event near Istanbul.

Erdoğan has become increasingly hostile toward the Jewish state and closer to Hamas since the terror group's Oct. 7 massacre in Israel. The Turkish president and his ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), along with Qatar, are state supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood, of which Hamas is the Palestinian branch.

In his speech, the president claimed that Jerusalem aims to conquer Muslim territory, including Turkey, and quoted claims that Hamas was not only defending Gaza but his country and other Islamic lands.

"Israel will not stop at Gaza. After conquering Ramallah, it will want the lands of Syria and Lebanon. They will raise their eyes to our homeland, between the Tigris and the Euphrates. They state this openly in every map they show," he said, referring to the "Greater Israel" map displayed by some Israeli leaders.

"This is why we say that 'Hamas opposes in the name of the Muslims.' This is why we say that 'Hamas does not only defend Gaza, it defends on the Islamic lands, on Turkey,'" Erdoğan asserted.

The Turkish leader went on to state that the latest steps Ankara has taken to improve relations with Egypt and Syria are aimed at "establishing a front of solidarity against the growing threat of expansion" on the part of Israel.

Egypt's President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi was in Turkey last week for the first presidential-level visit in 12 years amid warming relations between Cairo and Ankara. In July, Erdoğan said that he was ready to host Syrian President Bashar Assad for talks on renewing relations between the two countries that were severed in 2011 after the outbreak of the Syrian Civil War.

Here;  Echoes Of Ezekiel 38 - Turkey Calls For Islamic Alliance Against Israel (

MN Bar Owner Threatened for Displaying Trump Sign

We are at that point in this country when publicly stating your opinion can get you in a whole lot of trouble.  If displaying a Trump sign today gets you threats, just imagine what’s going to happen during the Tribulation when folks find out that someone has accepted Jesus and is refusing “the mark” to access the financial system.  

This division and hatred we are seeing in America is fulfilling some of what Paul told us to expect in the Last Days.  He said to expect for love to vanish.  As I read social media posts from my family and my wife’s family exclaiming how stupid, idiotic and un-Christian Trump voters must be, you begin to understand.  

America has certainly been divided before.  But today, with all the other signs converging, we believe that we can’t possibly come together again in unity and shared purpose.


Minnesota business owner Al Brenycz says he never imagined his support for Donald Trump would result in threats and harassment that could destroy his business.

Brenycz, owner of Big Al’s Bar and Grill in Emily, Minn., says his troubles began when he decided to post a message on his 30-foot LED billboard supporting former President Trump and other local Republican candidates.

“The second I did that, my business dropped off,” Brenycz explained. “It was probably 10% the first week, 20% the second week, and up to 30% by the third week.”

 Hoping to raise funds to stay afloat, Brenycz turned to social media, launching a GoFundMe and writing in to Donald Trump Jr.’s Triggered’ podcast.

“I have a digital billboard on the highway in Minnesota,” Brenycz told Trump Jr. in his message. “I need a repost from you for my pinned post. I’ve lost half my business since publicly supporting your father.”

According to Brenycz, that’s when the harassment started.

“I was getting calls from Boston, Seattle, Arizona, South Carolina—people telling me they were going to burn my bar down,” he said. “It got so bad I had to turn off my phone.”

The harassment didn’t stop there, Brenycz said. He says he had to spend hours reporting fake reviews on Google, where his business’s five-star rating began plummeting.

“A high Google review is a big deal. It tells people driving by, ‘Hey, you might want to stop at this place.’ And we get a lot of business that way,” he explained.

Standing by his decision

Despite the threats and the hit to his business, Brenycz stands by his decision.

“If this is the hill I die on, so be it. I’m allowed to have an opinion,” he said. “I truly believe our country is in such a decline under this administration. Under Trump, I wasn’t struggling.”

Friday, September 13, 2024

California Sees Record Number of Earthquakes

 There will be earthquakes in various places.  CA just broke some record for quakes.  When the Big One hits it will change everything.


What in the world is happening in California?  The state just keeps getting hit by major disaster after major disaster, but we are all supposed to pretend that this is perfectly normal.  Of course the truth is that what we are witnessing is not normal at all.  As you will see below, California just set a very alarming new record for earthquakes in a single year.  In addition, the number of acres that wildfires have burned in the state this year is about three times higher than last year.  So please don’t try to convince me that this is normal.  Of course it isn’t just the state of California that is experiencing an unusual number of natural disasters.  As I have been warning for a long time, our entire planet is becoming increasingly unstable.

Early on Thursday morning, residents of southern California were shaken by a magnitude 4.7 earthquake

Following the initial quake, there were over two dozen aftershocks.

By itself, this latest earthquake wouldn’t be that big of a deal, because very little damage was done.

What makes it important is the larger pattern that we have been witnessing.  According to USGS seismologist Lucy Jones, the number of “magnitude-4 sequences” that we have seen so far this year is the highest ever recorded

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Who is Running America? Biden-Harris World is Afire

The world is getting ready to come apart.  American strength is what has kept it together these past 80 years.  So who is actually running this American strength while Joe Biden naps and Kamala kackles as she tries to be “unburdened by what has been?  It’s a scary thought.  And the Muslims, rocket man of North Korea, the Chinese, the leaders of Iran, the Houthis and all the failed nations sending millions of illegals across our southern border, are rubbing their hands together as they dream of a destroyed America.  Please go to the link below and read the entire article by Victor Davis Hanson.  Pray for America.  It’s not looking good.


Somehow the United States ended up this summer with no engaged president and an absent vice president who avoids the missing president and is frantically repudiating everything she co-owned the last three years.

The world was already confused over how President Joe Biden was apparently declared by unnamed Democratic insiders and donors unfit and unable to continue as their presidential candidate—as if he were a dethroned Third-World usurper.

It further wondered how those who staged his removal had no problem allowing him, in his debilitated state, to continue as America’s commander-in-chief until January 20, 2025. They demonstrated their priorities that focus on retaining power, not the welfare of the nation or the will of over 14 million Biden primary voters.

Vice President Kamala Harris, until Biden’s forced abdication, was judged by these same backroom fixers as too incompetent to ever be commander-in-chief and thus for three years a good reason why Biden apparently was not forced out earlier.

Now nominal Vice President Harris is on the campaign trail nonstop, while Biden has taken the most vacation time off and worked the shortest workweek in presidential memory.

The world again wonders who is in charge, what they believe, who is a friend, and who is an enemy. Harris is busy trying to get elected on three premises: disowning her prior co-ownership of what was mostly a disastrous Biden term and certainly no recommendation for reelection; reinventing her affluent radical past and present as moderate and working-class; and keeping absolutely silent about any detailed agenda or policy plan for governance as president.

Our rivals and opponents abroad cannot decide which is better for their own anti-American agendas—a derelict and absent Biden-Harris or dealing with a cognitively challenged Biden and a linguistically loopy Harris?

United Nations Legal Officer Explains Desire for One World Government

 It would sure seem logical that the United Nations would want to be the One-world-government that the Bible describes in the Last Days. If you think about it for a minute, it’s a totally logical desire.  They think climate change is the worst problem facing humanity so what good does it do for America to tear down all its coal plants in favor of windmills and solar if China is building them faster than others can tear down?

And of course they will need some type of enforcement mechanism, like an army, otherwise other nations could just refuse the UN’s laws without any ramifications.

This Paoletti guy who was recorded secretly, might not be a high-ranking official at the UN but he sure laid out what their desires are.


At the end of last month, Mug Club Undercover recorded Jorge Paoletti, a self-described “Globalist” and a legal affairs official in the UN Treaty Section, saying: “They created this institution [the UN] which is the closest we’ve ever got to kind of like a world government. A world state,” Paoletti said.

“Like a one-world government?” the undercover reporter asked.  “Exactly,” Paoletti responded.

In Paoletti’s words, the UN aspires to be a globalist world government that rules over Earth’s citizens, all of whom would be forced to adhere to a uniform identity.

“One of the objectives of the UN is to create an identity of a global citizen … of someone who shares an identity, a political identity, with everyone on this planet,” he said.

Paoletti lamented, however, that the UN is not as effective as it should be – though this could change if the organisation had military power.

“The United Nations does not have its own army,” Paoletti said.

“Should it?” the undercover journalist asked.  “Absolutely,” the official responded.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Elon Says America is Going Bankrupt “Very Quickly”

We all know a financial disaster is coming for USA.  We just don’t know when.  We continue to pray that it all holds together until the rapture.  We can say for certain that the rapture event will collapse the American financial world and it will tear deeply into the global financial condition.


 "If Trump wins – and obviously, I suspect there are people with mixed feelings about whether that should happen – we do have an opportunity to do kind of a once-in-a-lifetime deregulation and reduction in the size of government," Musk said. "Because the other thing besides the regulations, America is also going bankrupt extremely quickly, and… everyone seems to be sort of whistling past the graveyard on this one."

Musk pointed out that interest payments on the national debt just surpassed the Defense Department budget, and topped $1 trillion this year.

Australia Plans Social Media Ban For Children

I think we all know that sitting on Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram all day looking at what other folks are thinking, doing, saying or pretending to do or say, is bad for everyone.  We have a whole generation of kids that aren’t doing anything but spend hours scrolling through other’s posts.  Depression and anxiety have skyrocketed.  Can we do anything about it?  Probably not but Australia is at least going to start talking about it.  Satan has the world in a grip of social media and he’s destroying countless folks with this latest lure.  


"I want to see kids off their devices and onto the footy fields and the swimming pools and the tennis courts. We want them to have real experiences with real people because we know that social media is causing social harm," Albanese told national broadcaster ABC News.

He did not specify the age limits for the ban but said he was "looking at the range between 14 and 16."

Albanese said he was concerned about the impacts of cyber bullying on the mental health of children and the easy exposure to content on social media that could harm them.

Monday, September 9, 2024

1st Amendment Was Meant to Keep Government Out of the Church

 If you ever debate a liberal they will be quick to argue that the church should play no part in government’s affairs.  “Separation of church and state!”, they will typically cry.  But that’s not true.  Our founding fathers had every intention and belief that America should be a God-fearing and Christian nation.


Why is the church quiet? The revolutionary pastors fought and urged congregants to be involved. Why has the church lost its zeal today?

Speaking of revolutionary pastors, back in 1776, a pastor in Woodstock, Virginia, John Peter Muhlenberg, stood up in front of his congregation and preached from Ecclesiastes chapter 3. When he got to verse 8, he talked about how there was a “time for war and a time for peace,” and he unzipped his black clerical robe to reveal an officer’s uniform in the Continental Army. He marched to the back of his church, and he called the men of his congregation to fight. They formed the 8th Virginia Brigade, which is still in active duty today.

James Madison, one of the great founding fathers in Virginia, was running for the first Congress in 1789. While he was running for the fifth district to sit in Congress, he met with the Virginia Baptists in Richmond. They told him that he wouldn’t get their support unless he wrote a Bill of Rights for the First Amendment protecting religious Liberties. Madison did just that, and he won that seat in Congress.

My point is that the church has always been involved in the past, so why be silent today? I think there are a few reasons.

Some have misinterpreted the First Amendment—the idea of a separation of church and state. The First Amendment was intended to keep government out of the church, not the church out of government.

When Thomas Jefferson wrote his letter in 1802 to the Danbury Baptists in Connecticut, he was interpreting the constitutional rights that churches had to be involved in politics. The separation of church and state was intended to help churches and Christians realize that the government can’t intrude, not the other way around.

Then, in 1959, the Johnson Amendment came into law. It muzzled Pastors in the Pulpit from endorsing candidates.

Today, you have pastors who just don’t want to be controversial. Let me tell you something: anytime you step into the arena of truth, it will sound controversial to some people. As pastors, we must continue to urge our congregations. And as Christians, you must be active, not silent, in the pews. Get out and make your voices heard and your values known.

Be involved in the political process today. We’re called to be salt and light. Get out there, please, and be salt and light to this world.

Even Israel is Split Between Right and Left

 Here in America we are so divided it’s hard to see how we can continue on this trajectory very much longer.  Will the November election lead to riots and unrest?  How do you even communicate with the 50% who can’t tell you what a woman is?

But it’s surprising to know that Israel is also going through the same divisiveness.  There’s isn’t about womanhood but about what to do about the wars raging all around them all targeting the destruction of Israel.


When Hamas’s barbaric execution of six Israeli hostages was announced on the news, it sent immediate shock waves throughout Israel. It evoked the deepest of Jewish traumas—that of helplessness. After the shock came the rage. But the targets of that rage were not the same for everyone. The Israeli X feed was neatly divided. The right-wing feed was outraged at Hamas. The left-wing feed was outraged at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

I browsed left-wing tweets throughout that first day and astonishingly, the overwhelming majority did not even contain the word “Hamas.” If you had only those tweets to go by, you might have reached the conclusion that Netanyahu murdered the hostages and that Hamas had nothing to do with it.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Retired Four Star General Warns of WWIII

The wars and rumors of war continue.  Is America ready to fight another major war?


 The commission’s report suggested that the United States is facing the “most serious” and “most challenging” threats since World War II and indicated that a “near-term major war” was possible. The commission highlighted Russia and China as the “major powers” confronting the United States and warned that the U.S. military “lacks both the capabilities and the capacity required to be confident it can deter and prevail in combat.”

“We Are Not Alone”

Jessie Waters on Fox put out an episode recently talking about aliens and UFOs.  The world continues to be prepped to fall for a massive deception all staged by the Prince of The Powers of The Air.  Watch it at the link below.

Friday, September 6, 2024

IMF Admits CBDCs Would Allow Personal Data to be Stored

 International Monetary Fund sounds prophetic on its own.  So does Central Bank Digital Currency.  So to see them both in the same headline has to be blog-worthy.  The Bible says a day is coming when cash will not be used for anything.  That day is really close, and we are the first generation to possess the technology to make it possible.


The IMF begins its report immediately explaining how retail CBDCs contain all sorts of information when a transaction occurs, and therefore can be leveraged by central banks and other entities for themselves, and could be overturned to government authorities and police for potential crimes depending on national policies. The IMF wrote: 

Central bank digital currency (CBDC), as a digital form of central bank money, may allow for a “digital trail”—data—to be collected and stored. In contrast to cash, CBDC could be designed to potentially include a wealth of personal data, encapsulating transaction histories, user demographics, and behavioral patterns. Personal data could establish a link between counterparty identities and transactions.

Like other payments data, CBDC data may have economic value. Data are non-rival. Data are infrastructural resources that can be used by an unlimited number of users and for an unlimited number of purposes as an input to produce goods and services. CBDC data could potentially be harvested by financial institutions that, in turn, could help develop data-driven businesses.

The authors later defined exactly what the data collected is. This includes the payer’s/payee’s identity, payer’s/payee’s pseudonymous identifiers (account number or token address that belongs to, or is controlled by, a counterparty), transaction data, and other and payer and payee transaction metadata (merchant’s name, purchase location, and spending category).

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

America Is Getting Dangerously Close to the Point of No Return

 The author of the article posted below says he can't give you much hope for the future of America.  And that has to make MOST Americans very anxious.  But for Bible readers, our hope doesn't lie in a country or a political party.  Our hope is in the promises of Jesus and the Bible.  All this world is passing away and that includes America.  We see Ezekiel 38 on the horizon and there's no mention of America so we must have ceased to be a threatening power to the enemies of Israel.

That being said the author points out 5 conditions present in America that just shows how close this country is to breaking up.

The US has always been a famously optimistic country. From our beginning, rebelling against the greatest empire the world has ever seen in a bold attempt to gain independence, we've always looked to a brighter future.

Through our history millions of people have come to what they see as a land of opportunity. The American Dream - the idea that if we work had we can succeed - is one of the key threads that runs through our culture.

How optimistic are you feeling now, though? Does it look as if the US is headed onward and upward to a brighter future? Or do you have an uneasy feeling that the American Dream is on the edge of collapsing into a nightmare?

If you do, and you're looking for reassurance, I'm sorry to say I can't give you any. We're not past the point of no return yet, but there's evidence all around us that points to this country being in a dangerously unstable condition.

We could manage to turn things around - but right now we're heading in the wrong direction.

A House Divided

These states don't feel very united right now. In fact this country might be more divided than it's been at any time since Richmond fell to US troops in 1865. Our politics have become terrifyingly partisan.

Decades ago, in the golden age of the 1950s, the Republicans wanted to build a prosperous by cutting federal taxes and letting people keep more of their money.

The Democrats wanted to build a prosperous nation by using federal law to give people more rights at work.

OK, that's simplifying it a little, but both parties wanted pretty much the same sort of country; they just had different ideas - and, really, not that different - about how to get there.

Far too many protesters are going armed. Carrying a gun to protect yourself and your family is a long and honorable American tradition. Carrying a gun to intimidate people you disagree with into silence is not.

The Country Is Falling Apart

In a literal way, America is disintegrating. Our infrastructure is suffering from decades of under-investment. Our power grid is so old and overloaded that it doesn't need an EMP strike to collapse it; two hot weeks in June could be enough to do the job.

Even a simple blizzard can take down big chunks of it. We've been running power cables to homes for over a hundred years, and we haven't figured out snow yet?

The current administration loves to talk about how it's going to sort out our crumbling infrastructure, but its big idea is to make us all buy electric cars - then recharge them from the grid that already can't cope with the load. Everyone knows our infrastructure is in a mess, but nobody has a serious plan to fix it.

Morals Are Decaying

Too many people want something for nothing - whether it's cynical corporations that want a monopoly, or corrupt politicians that want to exploit their position for money.

Tens of millions of Americans still do believe in earning (or paying) an honest wage for honest work, but a terrifyingly large number don't. Far too many people have rejected the idea that money is something you need to earn.

A lot of people just don't seem to have any standards at all. Addicts buy, sell and use drugs in the streets of major cities, and local politicians just let it happen. District attorneys abolish cash bail and work to keep violent criminals out of prison.

There are 340 million people in this country. If we don't have a shared idea of what's right and wrong, a set of moral standards we all agree to live by, the US is going to become a very unpleasant place. Without a unifying morality, societies fall apart.

We're Going Broke

The US is still the world's biggest economy, and it's still growing - but most Americans aren't seeing the fruits of that growth. Wages are stagnating.

Instead of making our schools and colleges go back to teaching useful skills, and protecting workers from cheap illegal labor, our politicians are just trying to borrow and spend their way to re-election.

Look at the US national debt clock.

Right now we owe over $31.8 trillion, and that amount is increasing so fast that the last five digits on the clock are a blur.

Our government is burning through tens of thousands of dollars faster than you can keep track of the number changing.

A million dollars every 36 seconds - well, about that anyway; I couldn't press the buttons on my stopwatch fast enough to get within $30,000 or so.

There are less than 128 million income tax payers in this country and there's no way we can finance all the spending the government wants to do.

Yes, some people talk about taxing the rich or the one percent or the big corporations instead of regular taxpayers, but it doesn't matter; the money always comes out of the pockets of ordinary working Americans in the end.

A big corporation might have legal personhood, but it isn't really a person. It's a collection of people that sells goods or services to other people - ordinary people - and if the corporation has to pay more tax, those ordinary people end up paying for it through higher prices or lower wages.

The government has to stop spending so much, but it won't, because it's scared of losing votes. So, instead, it borrows the money and hopes that somehow, by some miracle, the world will keep lending to us and we'll never have to pay it back.

The problem is, the day when taxes won't even cover the interest on our debt is coming over the horizon. In the next ten years we'll spend $10.5 trillion on interest payments - while borrowing trillions more, that our government has no idea how to pay back.

Sooner or later the world will realize that we're never going to repay the money we owe, and they'll turn off the lending tap.

And, when that happens, the final collapse is just days away. When every federal employee doesn't get paid, and every welfare check and Social Security payment fails to arrive, the US will be blown apart.

We're not past the point of no return - yet. But we're getting very, very close.

Here;  5 Signs That The US Is Collapsing (

Let's throw in the millions of drug and alcohol addicted Americans to the mix too!  And what are we doing about that???  Legalizing marijuana in most of the states!  Just about every drug addict I talk to started with "smoking a little weed".  That's the bait that Satan tosses out.  Once a young kid is fine with getting his mind altered using weed then why not try mushrooms?  Why not acid?  Why not meth?  Why not fentanyl?  

Also, parents and grandparents should be terrified to know that 8-9-10 yr old kids are vaping marijuana and getting stoned in grade school!  I work with teen boys every week who are drug addicts so I hear their stories every week and I hear what their siblings are up to.  Even THEY realize that "things have gotten so much worse" in just the last few years.

America needs Jesus.  Nothing else will suffice.  Without national repentance I believe America is very close to the end.

Thankfully, our blessed hope isn't in America but instead involves hearing a trumpet sound and being transported into the clouds to meet Jesus.

Russians Have Huge, Fast, Unstoppable Nuke

 The news last week was that Putin was re-doing Russia’s nuclear protocol.  When can Russia use nukes in offensive or defensive situations?  Meanwhile Ukraine is begging America to allow them to use the long range missiles we have supplied.  So imagine if you are Putin and every morning you awake to the news of another city hit by US-supplied missiles and more Russian civilians dead?  Back a bear into a corner and you best be ready for lashing out in a very furious fashion.

We don’t believe that Christians will be on earth to witness a nuclear exchange with Russia.  But the headline shows us how the world is just driving closer to the abyss every day.


A single Sarmat missile can carry enough firepower to wipe out an area the size of Texas.

And we don’t have anything that can stop it

The U.S.’ Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation said that ‘despite decades of research, development, and testing, there remains no reliably effective anti-missile system to counter intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs)’.

Existing missile defence systems, such as the U.S. Patriot system, can target incoming short-, medium- and intermediate-range ballistic missiles whose threat is localised to one region, but cannot effectively protect against nuclear-capable ICBMs such as the Sarmat that can deploy warheads across vast areas.

Meanwhile, the core of the U.S. strategic nuclear arsenal is made up of hopelessly outdated Minuteman missiles that first went into service in the 1970s.

If we were to fire those missiles at Russia, we would be praying that they could get past the most advanced anti-missile systems on the entire planet.

In particular, the brand new S-500 anti-missile system that the Russians have developed was specifically designed “for intercepting and destroying intercontinental ballistic missiles”.

Most people in the western world still assume that we are protected by the magical doctrine of “mutually assured destruction”.

But are you sure that doctrine still applies in an environment where the balance of power has shifted so dramatically?

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Stupidocrisy: Politics Gone Wrong

 Below is a great article penned by a guy who feels like a lot of us do right now.  How is it possible that that 50% of Americans believe that ripping a baby out of a womb has something to do with women's rights?  How is it possible that those same folks believe a child can know whether or not he/she is queer, gay, transgender, gender fluid and what his preferred pronouns should be?

We just seem to be falling further and further into the abyss, where right is called wrong and wrong is called right.  Where challenging the insanity of affirming a 5 yr old boy's gender confusion can get you cancelled or fired from your job.

The smartest people in the country can no longer say what a woman actually is.  

The recent Democratic National Convention was a showcase for politics gone insane. To any and every American, irrespective of party affiliation, the spectacle in Chicago last week should raise alarm bells.

The Democratic Party has driven a stake in the ground with a most communistic concept of “democratic” government in the history of the United States. Price controls on food, blaming grocery stores for inflated prices after causing the inflation; transgendermania; abortion on demand; hateful rhetoric; demonizing of any and all American citizens who do not agree with their agenda—all part and parcel to one of the most dangerous, freedom-threatening political ticket in history.

Remember that on Sunday, July 14, Joe Biden addressed the nation with a blatantly political speech saying that the political rhetoric needed to cool down and that there was no place in America for political violence. Yet the entire Democratic convention was based on hateful political rhetoric aimed at President Trump and his supporters. These people accuse their opposition of flaming hatred, but it is their own hateful words that stir the hearts and minds of those who would take violent action. The Democrat speakers repeated slur after slur, even lie after lie, that would ignite hate and violence.

The show didn’t stop there. The over-the-top support for the LGBTQ+ community only codified the insanity. How is it even allowed that an entire political party would endorse grooming children for sexual mutilation? Transgender this. Queer that. It is woven into the fabric of the Democratic Party. Abortion unlimited. The conventioneers proudly touted Planned Parenthood’s mobile bus encouraging free abortions and vasectomies to all comers.

People are afraid to call this what it is—absolute insanity—because of the bullying and censorship they will face for being hateful. It’s not about hate. People who support this insanity need spiritual and mental help.

Outside the convention, terrorist supporters were protesting because the Democrats were not supporting them enough. Pro-Israel organizations couldn’t even get a parade permit in this Democrat-run city. Fences inside of fences were put up to protect the elite inside—largely from their own supporters who are violently angry about not getting enough support.

Anybody in their right mind—and I mean this sincerely—needs incredible self-examination if they are sticking with the Democratic Party after that show of insanity.

Ecclesiastes 9:3 says, “The heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness is in their heart while they live, and after that they go to the dead.”

Sadly, there are many who will choose to follow this politics gone insane.

Say it with me…Stupidocrisy.

Here;  Stupidocrisy: Politics Gone Insane :: By Bill Wilson - Rapture Ready

I know that it can be painful to look around us and see what is happening to this once-great nation!  But remember that regardless of how the future of America all plays out, WE have a glorious future in store for us!  Just imagine how exciting the next 1000 years are going to be!  We get to live on earth in our glorified bodies ruling and reigning with King Jesus!  The curse will be partially lifted and the lion will lay down with the lamb!  We get to experience it all!

So if you feel, like I do sometimes, that this world is starting to grow strangely dim, that's exactly how Jesus wants it to be!  Don't become so worldly minded that you become no heavenly good!