Wednesday, September 18, 2024

3000 Hezbollah Operatives Injured as Their Devices Explode

I would imagine the Muslims of Iran, Lebanon, Syria and Gaza are all complaining to their demon-god, Allah, today.  “Why Allah?  Why are there 100 million of us Muslims who desire to see Israel destroyed, all surrounding Israel with tanks, guns, missiles and militants and yet we can’t dislodge a few million Jews?  Not only that but they continually seem to embarrass us by murdering or destroying anything they want at any time they want!”

So somehow, the Israelites were able to make exploding devices disguised as working cell-phones or pagers, and get them into the hands of Hezbollah and blew them all at once!  

Who can possibly stand against the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?


Almost 3,000 people, most of them Hezbollah operatives, were wounded across Lebanon on Tuesday afternoon when their communication devices mysteriously exploded at around the same time, according to Reuters and local reports.

Several hours after the incident, Hezbollah said in an official statement: "At 15:30, a large number of pagers exploded, many people were injured. A Lebanese girl and two Hezbollah members were killed in the incident, along with a large number of injured."

"An extensive security investigation is being conducted to find out the reasons for the explosions. We pray for the speedy recovery of the wounded and call to be careful of spreading rumors that help the enemy. The resistance is in the highest readiness to defend Lebanon and its people," the statement read.

A Hezbollah source told the Qatari Al Araby Al-Jadeed: "Israel remotely hacked into Hezbollah's unique communication devices and blew them up."

In the evening, Lebanon's Health Minister said there were at least eight dead and over 2750 wounded, including around 200 in serious condition.

The son of Ali Ammar, a Lebanese parliament member for Hezbollah, died as a result of a pager explosion, two security sources tell Reuters.

Among those wounded in the explosions is the Iranian ambassador to Lebanon, Mojtaba Amani, according to Iranian state-owned Mehr News. In addition, the Saudi outlet al-Hadath said senior commanders of Hezbollah were wounded.

According to Reuters, the terror group ordered its operatives to ditch all communication devices. Reports of the mysterious explosions came from across the country, including southern Lebanon, the Lebanon and Bekaa Valleys, and Mount Lebanon.

Surprise! The Taliban is Taking Away Women’s Rights!

As you read this article, think about a few things.  

#1-Islam is a satanic mess that makes trouble everywhere it goes

#2-what exactly does this author believe are “fundamental rights” of women?

#3-who does she think grants those fundamental rights to women?

#4-who does she think should enforce those rights for the women of Afghanistan?

In reality, women have NO WAY of enforcing whatever rights they believe they should have.  First off they would need the men of their society to allow them certain rights (vote, drive, get jobs, wear certain clothes, speak in public).  Next they would need men in their society to enforce those rights should another group of men stand in their way.  And finally, if the local police-men won’t enforce what the women want then they need an “international community” to step in…which means men with guns from somewhere else who are stronger than their men with guns.

Until Jesus returns and lifts the curse for 1000 years, this is the way things are.  

Afghanistan was a Muslim mess before America got there following 9/11.  Men with guns went there from America and tried to change things, but now that they’ve left, the women are going to be forced back into the same Muslim mess that existed before, and that includes domination by men.


The situation of women and girls under the Taliban controlled Afghanistan is unparalleled in the world in terms of its severity and systematic deprivation of their fundamental rights. Last month, the oppression reached an unprecedented low when dozens of laws restricting women's rights were formalized and published, including forbidding women from showing their bare faces and banning women's voices in public.

But how did we get here? A combination of miscalculations from the West have emboldened the Taliban. But it's not too late for the international community to reverse course and prevent the further oppression of the women of Afghanistan.

In August 2021, the Taliban returned to power with a promise to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms. However, immediately after seizing power, the Taliban dismantled Afghanistan's national laws, dissolved the AIHRC and dissolved the MoWA. Through more than 150 decrees and edicts, the Taliban systematically banned or limited women's rights to education, work, freedom of expression, freedom of movement and assembly, and severely limiting their access to health care and justice. Similar to their first time in power in the 1990s, the Taliban also resumed and reintroduced horrific measures such as public stoning of women to death and flogging.

The Taliban is entrenching its institutionalized oppression of women with complete impunity. On Aug. 21, 2024, through the Ministry of Justice's Official Gazette, the Taliban issued a new series of extremely restrictive measures on women called "The Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice Law". Article 13 of the law states that if for urgent matters a woman must leave her home, she is required to cover her entire body, including their face, and that women's voices should be concealed in public.

But laws without enforcement have no teeth. So, to institutionalize their systematic oppression of women and animate their written edicts, the Taliban has re-introduced the Ministry of Promoting Virtue and Preventing Vice. The feared ministry has arbitrarily arrested detained, tortured, publicly flogged, stoned, and killed women for not following the Taliban's dress code or protesting for their rights. The Taliban has created a system of governance that is deliberately built to systematically oppress and subjugate the women of Afghanistan and to deprive them of their livelihoods and identity. The situation of women in Afghanistan parallels the apartheid regime in South Africa during 1948 to 1994—institutionalized, systematic oppression and domination. The women in Afghanistan call their experience under the Taliban gender apartheid.

We need a full set of diplomatic, political and legal tools to address the multifaceted crisis Afghanistan is facing under Taliban rule. To move forward, the people of Afghanistan need long-term sustainable policy and political support from the international community.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

When Trump Moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem

 Wow!  Talk about another reason to vote for Trump!  God made America powerful to incubate Israel in the Last Days.  And Trump was a friend to Israel like no other President.  If we bless Israel we will be blessed.  Kamala and the Democrats would take us further down the road to curses as they curse Israel.


David Friedman, former US Ambassador to Israel, was interviewed on the Mislaibeled podcast. He explained that he was essential in convincing President Donald Trump to move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. While many critics warned that the move would spark a war in the region, Friedman explained that moving the embassy and keeping his campaign promise would establish Trump as a powerful leader who stood firmly with his allies.

QUESTION: Were you personally involved in helping convince him [Trump} to get the embassy moved?

FRIEDMAN: “Every day. We had a final meeting in the Situation Room that’s underground in the White House. And he said, ‘Look, we’ve got to make a final decision.’ And we talked about it. I said, ‘Look, the world is watching. You made this promise. Everybody else made the promise, too, but no one expected them to keep it. You’re supposed to be a different kind of president. 

“The question is, do you stand with your allies? Are you going to somehow cower in fear from threats of rogue nations? Are you afraid of the Palestinians? Are you too afraid of the Jordanians to move the embassy? 

“It’s not just going to be something I’m going to be thrilled about and the Jewish people will celebrate, and the evangelical Christians will celebrate. It’s going to be heard all over the world that the American President stands with his friends and does not fear its enemies.

“Why were there no new wars during the Trump administration? The signal that it sent when he moved the embassy, which I think, was important, was don’t mess with him. Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do. Don’t tell me that I have to be afraid of people that I don’t like. I’m doing this because I promised to do it, because it’s the right thing to do. Just try to stop me.

“And I think that message put the fear of God in Russia and Iran and China and we had no wars. And then as soon as Biden comes in, the world is on fire because nobody’s afraid of America anymore. Nobody respects America.”

Monday, September 16, 2024

Israel Drops Leaflets on Lebanon Telling Folks to Evacuate

It sounds like Israel may be ready to strike Hezbollah in Lebanon.  The missiles continue to fly out of Lebanon and into Israel and it would appear that Israel has maybe had enough.

After a barrage of some 40 rockets was fired by Hezbollah in Lebanon at the northern Galilee Panhandle and Golan Heights on Sunday morning, an IDF drone reportedly dropped leaflets in southern Lebanon warning residents to evacuate the area. 

Lebanese news outlets – including the Lebanese News Agency – reported that Israel had dropped leaflets over the village of al-Wazani in the south of the country, calling on residents of the area to evacuate. The Qatari channel Al-Arabi reported that the drone that dropped the Arabic-language leaflets fell in Lebanese territory. 

The leaflets read: "Hezbollah is firing from your area, you must leave your homes immediately, move north of the town of Al-Khiam by 4:00 P.M., and do not return until the end of the war. Anyone found in this area after this hour will be considered a terrorist element.” 

Here;   After 40 rockets launched from Lebanon on Sunday morning, IDF drops leaflets advising Lebanese residents to evacuate | All Israel News

This would certainly push things along the prophetic path.  How long can tiny Israel fight wars against all the Muslims who hate them and want to see their nation destroyed?

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Turkey Calls for Islamic Alliance Against Israel

 It seems like we are seeing Ezekiel 38 continue to form right before our eyes!  

Turkey is a member of NATO which is a group of countries that have banded together to foment Soviet aggression.  Today it targets Russian aggression.  But here you have Turkey starting to align itself with Russia!  You can't make it up.

A few weeks ago I posted a video that Russia made for military recruitment.  In the ad one soldier can be seen praying to God using the cross, while another Muslim soldier can be seen praying to Allah.  The point of the ad was to show that all Russians, Christian or Muslim, worship the same god and can all fight together for the glory of Mother Russia.

How much longer can it be until Iran, Russia, Turkey and a bunch of Muslim nations decide to destroy Israel once and for all?

If that's the case, how much longer can it be until Jesus comes for His bride, the church??

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Saturday called on Islamic nations to ally against "the growing threat of expansionism" from Israel.

He made the remarks a day after the death of a dual U.S.-Turkish citizen during a protest near Nablus (Shechem) in Samaria. The Israel Defense Forces is investigating allegations that Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, 26, an activist with the anti-Israel International Solidarity Movement, was shot by Israeli forces.

"The only step that will stop Israeli arrogance, Israeli banditry and Israeli state terrorism is the alliance of Islamic countries," Erdoğan said at an Islamic schools' association event near Istanbul.

Erdoğan has become increasingly hostile toward the Jewish state and closer to Hamas since the terror group's Oct. 7 massacre in Israel. The Turkish president and his ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), along with Qatar, are state supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood, of which Hamas is the Palestinian branch.

In his speech, the president claimed that Jerusalem aims to conquer Muslim territory, including Turkey, and quoted claims that Hamas was not only defending Gaza but his country and other Islamic lands.

"Israel will not stop at Gaza. After conquering Ramallah, it will want the lands of Syria and Lebanon. They will raise their eyes to our homeland, between the Tigris and the Euphrates. They state this openly in every map they show," he said, referring to the "Greater Israel" map displayed by some Israeli leaders.

"This is why we say that 'Hamas opposes in the name of the Muslims.' This is why we say that 'Hamas does not only defend Gaza, it defends on the Islamic lands, on Turkey,'" Erdoğan asserted.

The Turkish leader went on to state that the latest steps Ankara has taken to improve relations with Egypt and Syria are aimed at "establishing a front of solidarity against the growing threat of expansion" on the part of Israel.

Egypt's President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi was in Turkey last week for the first presidential-level visit in 12 years amid warming relations between Cairo and Ankara. In July, Erdoğan said that he was ready to host Syrian President Bashar Assad for talks on renewing relations between the two countries that were severed in 2011 after the outbreak of the Syrian Civil War.

Here;  Echoes Of Ezekiel 38 - Turkey Calls For Islamic Alliance Against Israel (

MN Bar Owner Threatened for Displaying Trump Sign

We are at that point in this country when publicly stating your opinion can get you in a whole lot of trouble.  If displaying a Trump sign today gets you threats, just imagine what’s going to happen during the Tribulation when folks find out that someone has accepted Jesus and is refusing “the mark” to access the financial system.  

This division and hatred we are seeing in America is fulfilling some of what Paul told us to expect in the Last Days.  He said to expect for love to vanish.  As I read social media posts from my family and my wife’s family exclaiming how stupid, idiotic and un-Christian Trump voters must be, you begin to understand.  

America has certainly been divided before.  But today, with all the other signs converging, we believe that we can’t possibly come together again in unity and shared purpose.


Minnesota business owner Al Brenycz says he never imagined his support for Donald Trump would result in threats and harassment that could destroy his business.

Brenycz, owner of Big Al’s Bar and Grill in Emily, Minn., says his troubles began when he decided to post a message on his 30-foot LED billboard supporting former President Trump and other local Republican candidates.

“The second I did that, my business dropped off,” Brenycz explained. “It was probably 10% the first week, 20% the second week, and up to 30% by the third week.”

 Hoping to raise funds to stay afloat, Brenycz turned to social media, launching a GoFundMe and writing in to Donald Trump Jr.’s Triggered’ podcast.

“I have a digital billboard on the highway in Minnesota,” Brenycz told Trump Jr. in his message. “I need a repost from you for my pinned post. I’ve lost half my business since publicly supporting your father.”

According to Brenycz, that’s when the harassment started.

“I was getting calls from Boston, Seattle, Arizona, South Carolina—people telling me they were going to burn my bar down,” he said. “It got so bad I had to turn off my phone.”

The harassment didn’t stop there, Brenycz said. He says he had to spend hours reporting fake reviews on Google, where his business’s five-star rating began plummeting.

“A high Google review is a big deal. It tells people driving by, ‘Hey, you might want to stop at this place.’ And we get a lot of business that way,” he explained.

Standing by his decision

Despite the threats and the hit to his business, Brenycz stands by his decision.

“If this is the hill I die on, so be it. I’m allowed to have an opinion,” he said. “I truly believe our country is in such a decline under this administration. Under Trump, I wasn’t struggling.”