Saturday, August 31, 2024

Cataclysmic Wars of 2025?

 We’ve got wars in the Middle East, wars with Russia and soon maybe a war with China.  Most Americans are clueless what could change in our everyday lives if USA and China start going at it and Russia joins in against us.  The author of the article below believes there are enough leaders on earth right now who are itching for a war that war will be inevitable.  Is America ready?  Have we given away all our bullets and missiles to Ukraine?


Most Americans could not even pick out Taiwan on a blank map of the world, but for the Chinese the island of Taiwan is of the utmost importance.

On Thursday, a Chinese general told Jake Sullivan to his face that Taiwan is “the first red line that must not be crossed”

A top Chinese general on Thursday told White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan that the U.S. must stop its “collusion” with Taiwan, during a high-stakes meeting in Beijing.

Gen. Zhang Youxia, vice chairman of China’s Central Military Commission, told Sullivan that Taiwan “is at the very core of China’s core interests, the bedrock of the political foundation of China-US relations, and the first red line that must not be crossed,” according to a readout from the Chinese Ministry of National Defense.

“The PLA will definitely take countermeasures against the provocations of the Taiwan independence forces,” the readout said Zhang had told Sullivan, using an acronym for China’s military, the People’s Liberation Army. “China urges the US side to stop military collusion with Taiwan, stop arming Taiwan, and stop spreading false narratives on Taiwan.”

The Chinese are very angry.

And they have been preparing to take military action against Taiwan for a very long time.

When that finally happens, we will be at war with China, and everything will change.

Friday, August 30, 2024

First Gun Control, Next is Knife Control

 Liberal America is concerned about gun control  They think that making certain guns illegal is going to solve the problem of mass shootings.

In Germany, they don't have any guns but now are considering knife control because of the huge amount of stabbings.

Instead of asking, 'Who is doing this and why is it happening?", they look to blame the object instead of addressing the real problem...which is Muslim men.

After a Syrian Muslim refugee slashed the throats of a few middle-aged people at the Festival of Diversity, the German government has announced that it will ban knives over three inches long.

The ISIS terrorist was one of over a million migrants who had invaded Germany while claiming to be "refugees". The migrant was also one of the many scheduled to be deported, but was not.

All that the Muslim terrorist had to do to evade deportation was leave government housing when the authorities came looking for him. And then when the military-age Arab Muslim migrant came back, the deportation order had expired and he couldn't be deported. Undeported Muslim refugees have been one of the largest sources of terrorism, crime and violence in Europe.

So the German government is proposing a ban on knives over three inches.

After laying a white rose at the site of the Diversity Festival slashing that left three dead and eight wounded, Chancellor Olaf Scholz promised rapid action would be taken against knives.

Right now, people in Germany can carry knives up to 4.7 inches long. The law will be modified so that they can only carry knives up to 2.4 inches long. No one appears to have considered the possibility that Muslim terrorists on the way to killing as many infidels as possible might violate the law and carry a concealed knife of 4 inches or longer. Such thoughts are unthinkable.

However, the authorities are also proposing "knife-free" zones around railway stations and other areas where stabbings and slashings tend to happen, to finally put an end to the violence.

In May, an Afghan Muslim refugee had attacked a counter-Jihad rally in Germany, stabbing and slashing attendees along with a police officer who had tried to restrain the anti-migrant activists from fighting back against the Muslim refugee trying to kill them.

German authorities responded by vowing to crack down on "knife crime" with "stronger measures to control the possession and carrying of knives, tougher penalties for their misuse and intensive awareness campaigns about the dangers."

If any Muslim terrorists still don't know about the dangers of stabbing people, the awareness campaign would let them know.

There were 13,844 "knife crime" incidents in Germany in 2023, which the authorities are blaming on the existence of knives and not the perpetrators, who are reportedly mostly young Muslim men. The authorities have resisted linking the nearly 10% increase in knife crime to Muslim migration.

"Though non-Germans are disproportionately represented in police knife crime statistics, that in itself is not a very helpful insight," a 'criminologist' interviewed by the Deutsche Welle media outlet argued.

In 2023, nearly 1 in 5 criminals were refugees.

The mostly Muslim migrants were responsible for over 1 in 10 sexual assaults in just one year. They have carried out around 7,000 sexual assaults since the beginning of the migrant crisis. Half of gang rapists are foreigners, and there are on average almost two gang rapes committed in Germany every single day.

In North Rhine-Westphalia, the state where the latest Muslim terrorist attack took place, 1 in 3 sex offenders, half of shoplifters and burglars, and 4 out of 5 pickpockets were foreigners.

Typical of this kind of violence was an altercation between two Arab Muslims, which ended with one of them stabbed in Magdeburg, migrants fighting with knives in a refugee center in Bavaria, and a litany of young foreign men confronting and stabbing each other all across Germany.

But locating the source of the problem is probably "not a very helpful insight," In the UK, people sharing such insights are being locked up even as Islamic terrorists are being freed.

The German government is more moderate than the Marxist lunatics at Whitehall. Prime Minister Keir Starmer and Justice Minister Shabana Mahmood, a supporter of Islamic terrorism, have decided to ruthlessly suppress all British opposition to mass migration with raids and prison sentences.

But a "moderate" European government is one that mostly ignores the problem while promising to increase deportations after every Islamic terrorist attack, before realizing that it can do nothing. There is little difference between the putatively conservative Merkel government and the putatively leftist Scholz government, much as every French government, whatever its formal political orientation, has offered the same meaningless condemnations and empty promises.

If the Communist and Islamist party La France Insoumise, which rose to parliamentary victory due to its alliance with President Emmanuel Macron, succeeds in taking over, it can be expected to turn the police loose on political opponents the way that the Starmer regime has done on critics of migration in the UK.

For now, the German authorities are deploring all the stabbings and promising knife control.

Creating "knife-free" zones, limiting the length of knives that can be carried (except for newly purchased knives still in their plastic wrapping) and creating social media campaigns about the dangers of knives is the sort nonsense that the UK and other governments indulged in as a distraction from the reality of who is actually doing the stabbing (not to mention acid-throwing).

Much like the American liberal obsession with gun control, literally objectifying the problem, talking about things so that they don't have to talk about people, and then talking about broader social and economic issues, is a useful distraction from seeing what is actually taking place.

Here'  Germany Vows 'Knife Control' After ISIS Refugee Slashes Throats at Diversity Festival :: Gatestone Institute

In America, following 9/11, when Muslims flew planes into buildings, our response was to start searching every single person getting on a plane using high-tech and low-tech devices.  We are so concerned with "racial' or "religious profiling' that we spend as much time searching some old lady from Iowa as we do searching Muhammad Bin Laden.  Never mind that a white lady from Iowa has never blown up anything, she gets the same treatment.

The Muslims who want to take over the world for the glory of Allah will continue to take advantage of Western stupidity until their goals are met.

The mass shooters in America aren't Muslim men but typically are men with severe problems.  Instead of asking, "Why is this happening?" they look to blame the object instead of the criminal.

The “Courage” it Takes to “Come Out”

 So today Google is pushing a story about a famous actress/dancer who “came out” to her husband of 5 yrs by saying, “you know I’m not straight.”  So what does that mean?  Well it means maybe she has desires to have sex with someone other than her husband.  And all the world now says, “ohhh…that’s great!  You do you!  As long as it makes you happy, just do anything you want!  If you’re bi-sexual then of course you NEED to have sex with both genders!”

So why are those same people who celebrate “coming out” for queers NOT equally celebratory for men who tell their wives after 5 years, “you know I’m not monogamous right?”  Why are these poor men called “cheaters”?  Why are they not celebrated, asked to join in Pride parades, have a special day set aside for them, “I, Joe Biden, declare today, August 30th, as Non-monogamous men’s day!”

You see when men act like men, they are called cheaters and shamed.  But if that same man told his wife he wanted to cheat on her with another MAN then he would be celebrated, honored and given a “man of courage” award for “coming out” as bi-sexual.

Think about it! Perversion in America is not only going mainstream, it’s already here. And the people cheer for it.


The Dancing With the Stars host shared insight into how she views gave fans an update on her sexuality almost five years after saying she was she noted in an interview that was "not straight."

"Coming out is one of the most vulnerable and empowering things that you can do," Julianne said on the Aug. 27 episode of the Jamie Kern Lima Show podcast. "I think for me, it was very much like, it's not about being straight or gay or bi or queer. It's more about, I think I'm just learning like what love is and I love people and I don't know what I'm attracted to, but I choose you."

The 36-year-old continued, "I was starting to see people and seeing their hearts and seeing their beauty and their essence coming through in a way that I was like, wow, I love people and I don't know if it's a sexual attraction or a 'this' attraction, but I'm just seeing people. And that was such a beautiful revelation too."

Julianne and Brooks went on to divorce in 2022 after almost five years of marriage.

As for how she looks back on that time, the former DWTS dance pro, who returned to the series as a cohost in 2023, told Jamie Kern Lima her past relationship with the hockey player was "the greatest thing that could have happened to me at that time."

"What I needed at that time was to reconnect to my 10-year-old self,” she explained. “And what did I need at 10? I really needed safety, and almost, like, a father figure to come in and be that grounding force of stability. And so I think a lot of our dynamic was this little girl feeling and this stability and stable man to be there. He provided such a beautiful foundation for me to be a little girl."

Thursday, August 29, 2024

2/3 of Americans Now Believe the American Dream is Unattainable

 It's true.  When we were young we all believed that we could work hard, buy a house, get married, have some kids and live in peace and harmony with our neighbors.  Now, the latest poll, 2/3 of Americans no longer believe this to be true.  It takes over $100,000 of income for a family of 4 to even live in Mississippi and we know that making $100k per year isn't an easy endeavor.

Only about a third of U.S. adults believe the American dream is still alive, a Wall Street Journal/NORC poll published Wednesday found.

A survey of 2,501 people conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute twelve years ago found more than half of respondents believed the American dream “still holds true,” but now only a third feel that way, according to a recent WSJ/NORC poll of 1,502 adults. The study also found an increasingly large gap between people’s economic goals and what they think is actually attainable — a trend that was consistent across gender and party lines, but was especially common amongst younger generations.

Those numbers are yet more evidence that the middle class is dying.

Once upon a time, we had the largest and most prosperous middle class in the entire history of the planet.

But now most of the country is deeply struggling.

So please don’t try to convince me that the U.S. economy is in good shape.

Our standard of living has been steadily going downhill for a long time, and things have been getting worse for almost everyone.

The same Wall Street Journal/NORC poll also found that only 10 percent of Americans believe that becoming a homeowner is “easy or somewhat easy”…

The decline in faith in the American Dream coincides with a decline in the share of Americans who believe homeownership and financial security are attainable, the poll shows. Only 10% of respondents to the WSJ poll believed becoming a homeowner is “easy or somewhat easy,” despite 89% of respondents viewing homeownership as “essential or important to their vision of the future.”

The same was true of financial security, with only 9% of respondents claiming achieving financial security is “easy or somewhat easy,” despite 96% believing financial security is “essential or important,” according to the WSJ.

Here;  Two-Thirds Of Americans Now Believe That The American Dream Is Unattainable (

I think it's true...we have squandered what our forefathers fought so hard to give us.  If the Lord tarries, America is going to be in for a very, very tough time and I'm not sure that most of are cut from the same cloth as our grandparents...who had to survive their own very tough time of the Great Depression.

Come Lord Jesus!

Russia Warns USA About the Risks of WWIII

It’s almost daily now when we see articles referencing WWIII.  Wars and rumors of war seems to be the flavor of the day.
MOSCOW, Aug 27 (Reuters) - Russia said the West was playing with fire by considering allowing Ukraine to strike deep into Russia with Western missiles and cautioned the United States on Tuesday that World War Three would not be confined to Europe.
Ukraine attacked Russia's western Kursk region on Aug. 6 and has carved out a slice of territory in the biggest foreign attack on Russia since World War Two. President Vladimir Putin said there would be a worthy response from Russia to the attack.

 Sergei Lavrov, who has served as Putin's foreign minister for more than 20 years, said that the West was seeking to escalate the Ukraine war and was "asking for trouble" by considering Ukrainian requests to loosen curbs on using foreign-supplied weapons.

Since invading Ukraine in 2022, Putin has repeatedly warned of the risk of a much broader war involving the world's biggest nuclear powers, though he has said Russia does not want a conflict with the U.S.-led NATO alliance.
"We are now confirming once again that playing with fire - and they are like small children playing with matches - is a very dangerous thing for grown-up uncles and aunts who are entrusted with nuclear weapons in one or another Western country," Lavrov told reporters in Moscow"Americans unequivocally associate conversations about Third World War as something that, God forbid, if it happens, will affect Europe exclusively," Lavrov said.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Queers for Palestine

 As we watch the useful idiots parading in the streets shouting "Gays for Palestine!", or "Queers for Palestine!", we wonder how these folks can be so confused??  Do they not know what the Gazans would do if they caught 2 men sodomizing each other?  They would take them to a tall building and throw them off!

But nothing really surprises us anymore.  The delusion that is taking over the godless folks is most likely a biblical foreshadowing of II Thessalonians where, "God sends them great delusion so that they will believe the lie."

Today we read that the Muslim extremists are even peeved at the queers in America.  "We don't want your support!"

The Queers for Palestine movement supports the Hamas ‘resistance’ without knowing what Hamas or any Muslim extremist factions would do to them if they were ever caught in Gaza.

Instead of supporting the only liberal, tolerant, and democratic state in the region which is home to a massive LGBTQ population, they choose to demonize it and not live in reality.

Hezbollah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah sent a very clear message to the gay community, calling it a ‘crime’ and that there is no cleansing of it, and that the penalty for committing it is death.

Here;  WATCH: Nasrallah's message to 'Queers for Palestine' | World Israel News

Zuckerberg Testifies He was Pressured by Whitehouse

So we find out today that the Biden Whitehouse pressured Facebook to say what the Whitehouse wanted said about Covid.  We also now know that the FBI was promoting a claim that Russia interfered with Trump’s 2016 election which was false.  But they told Facebook to stop any talk about Hunter’s laptop right before the 2020 election because it was Russian disinformation and that was a lie.  The New York Post actually had the story correct!

Free speech is certainly being challenged in supposedly “free” nations from here to France and the UK.  The Liberals are silencing free speech and yet they continue to claim that conservatives are the “threat to democracy”.

Make no mistake about it!  Godlessness is the real threat to democracy in America.  And the Left has more godlessness amongst their voters. 


The Meta boss, Mark Zuckerberg, has said he regrets bowing to what he claims was pressure from the US government to censor posts about Covid on Facebook and Instagram during the pandemic.

Zuckerberg said senior White House officials in Joe Biden’s administration “repeatedly pressured” Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, to “censor certain Covid-19 content” during the pandemic.

“In 2021, senior officials from the Biden administration, including the White House, repeatedly pressured our teams for months to censor certain Covid-19 content, including humour and satire, and expressed a lot of frustration with our teams when we didn’t agree,” he said in a letter to Jim Jordan, the head of the US House of Representatives judiciary committee. “I believe the government pressure was wrong.”

During the pandemic, Facebook added misinformation alerts to users when they commented on or liked posts that were judged to contain false information about Covid.

The company also deleted posts criticising Covid vaccines, and suggestions the virus was developed in a Chinese laboratory.

Zuckerberg also said that Facebook “temporarily demoted” a story about the contents of a laptop owned by Hunter Biden, the president’s son, after a warning from the FBI that Russia was preparing a disinformation campaign against the Bidens.

Zuckerberg wrote that it has since become clear that the story was not disinformation, and “in retrospect, we shouldn’t have demoted the story”.

The House judiciary committee, which is controlled by Republicans, called Zuckerberg’s admissions a “big win for free speech” in a post on the committee’s Facebook page.

The White House defended its actions during the pandemic, saying it encouraged “responsible actions to protect public health and safety”.

“Our position has been clear and consistent,” it said. “We believe tech companies and other private actors should take into account the effects their actions have on the American people, while making independent choices about the information they present.”

Monday, August 26, 2024

“Damascus Would Be Flattened”

 When we see talk of Damascus being flattened by Israel, we need to post it because Isaiah 17 says that day is coming.


Of course when an all-out war erupts, it won’t just be Hezbollah that Israel is fighting.

Syria has an army of approximately 170,000 soldiers, and Iran has an army of approximately 420,000 soldiers.

If push comes to shove, the IDF is going to have a serious challenge trying to contend with a combined force of that size.

In addition, Hezbollah, Syria and Iran all have vast arsenals of very sophisticated missiles.

If Tel Aviv, Haifa and Jerusalem are being pummeled by thousands of missiles, Israeli leaders would not just sit back and do nothing.

They would respond with overwhelming force, and Beirut, Damascus and Tehran would be flattened.

So we should be very glad that all-out war has not erupted yet, but the truth is that it is coming.

It is just a matter of time.


Knives to be Banned in UK

 Guns have been near impossible to own in the UK for a long time.  But now it appears that folks are stabbing each other using knives that have "violent images on them" zombies!!

So, rather than ask a society WHY ARE YOU STABBING EACH OTHER...they are going to go the route of banning knives.

People on Merseyside are being urged to hand in zombie-style knives and machetes ahead of a ban next month.

Merseyside Police is joining other forces as part of a nationwide surrender scheme before the weapons are banned under new legislation.

It means people can hand in the weapons at police stations without repercussions and could even receive compensation if they meet government criteria.

Weapons can be handed in at certain police stations in Liverpool, Wirral, Knowsley and Sefton until 23 September.

From 24 September, it will be illegal to own, sell, manufacture or transport certain styles of zombie knives and machetes.

Zombie-style knives and machetes are defined as weapons with blades over eight inches (20cm) in length that normally have a serrated cutting edge.

A loophole meaning the weapons could be kept and sold if they did not have images depicting violence on their handles will be closed when the Offensive Weapons Act comes into effect next month.

When bringing a knife to a police station for surrender, the public are being asked to wrap it up securely and place it in a sealed bag or box which must stay covered at all times.

They must also bring a completed surrender claim form which can be found via the government website.

Supt Phil Mullally said knife-enabled serious violence had reduced by 27.8%, with 341 fewer offences compared to 2021-2022.

Merseyside’s Police and Crime Commissioner Emily Spurrell said: “There is no good reason for owning a ‘zombie knife’ or machete.

“Each and every weapon surrendered makes our communities safer".

Here;  Police urge surrender of 'zombie' knives ahead of ban (

There's no good reason for owning a machete??  How about if you're clearing brush at your cabin?  How about if you are pruning your bushes?

Boy, those Brits are going to be terrified to see all the machetes in use if they go to Guatemala or Mexico!!

Funny how it starts with guns and those same folks said, "there's no good reason for anyone to own a pistol!", and then in went to, "there's no good reason for owning a rifle...especially black rifles!"  And today it's gone to knives.  

Give an inch and they'll take three feet.

Ditching Christianity in America

 When I turn on my laptop and open a new tab in the browser, I'm automatically taken to MSN-Microsoft Start.  There I can see all the "newsworthy" headlines of the day.  But almost every day there is another article about how Americans are leaving Christianity, which is true, but it's almost like MSN wants to make it their mission to convince people to leave Christianity.  And of course they never provide a trained Bible teacher to refute or offer context to their reporting.

I give you some examples from today's headline titled;

Ditching God: 20 Reasons Christianity Isn’t Accepted By Modern America

1. Disillusionment with Church Leadership

Scandals involving church leaders, such as financial misconduct and sexual abuse, have eroded trust. Many feel that the moral failures of church leaders contradict the values they preach.

2. Perceived Hypocrisy

Many Americans view the church as hypocritical, citing a discrepancy between the teachings of Christianity and the actions of its followers. This perceived hypocrisy drives people away from the faith.

3. Political Alignment

The entanglement of Christianity with conservative politics, particularly the alignment with the Republican Party, has alienated those who hold different political views. Young people, in particular, are turned off by this politicization.

4. Social Issues

Disagreements on social issues such as LGBTQ+ rights, gender equality, and racial justice have caused many to leave. The church’s stance on these issues often conflicts with more progressive views held by younger generations.

6. Scientific Skepticism

The conflict between scientific understanding and religious beliefs has led some to leave Christianity. Issues such as evolution, climate change, and medical ethics are points of contention.

7. Cultural Shift

A cultural shift towards secularism and individualism has made religious affiliation less important. As society becomes more secular, fewer people see the need to belong to a religious community.

See all 20 reasons here;  Ditching God: 20 Reasons Christianity Isn’t Accepted By Modern America (

As you read through these 20 reasons it's hard not to see that mankind is in full rebellion towards God.  Going forward, do you think this is going to get better or worse?

Some folks say, "Yep!  Revival is coming!!  Just when people are at their worst then God acts and calls us all back to himself with national repentance and personal salvation!"

Hmmmm....that's certainly not what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah.

So we can pray for a revival in America but with all that is happening all over the world and Israel in the crosshairs, I would rather pray "Come Lord Jesus!  Blow the trumpet when the Book has every name promised from the beginning."

Jesus said the Last Days would be as they were in the days of Noah and of Sodom.  While people were carrying on with their everyday activities thinking that everything was normal....destruction came upon them suddenly.  They knew NOTHING of what was coming.

When the trumpet blows and millions of Americans vanish, destruction WILL come upon America suddenly...and our collapse will tear across the entire world because of how our dollar has been positioned as ONLY RESERVE CURRENCY on planet earth since 1945.

Atlantic Ocean Cooling at Record Speed and No One Knows Why

 After seeing countless articles about certain bodies of water being the warmest ever recorded and blaming mankind's activities for making it so, we see this article today.  Parts of the Atlantic are cooling at the fastest rate EVER!

Part of the Atlantic is cooling at record speed and nobody knows why

After over a year of record-high global sea temperatures, the equatorial Atlantic is cooling off more quickly than ever recorded, which could impact weather around the world

Over the past three months, the shift from hot to cool temperatures in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean has happened at record speed. This emerging “Atlantic Niña” pattern comes just ahead of an expected transition to a cooler La Niña in the Pacific Ocean, and these back-to-back events could have ripple effects on weather worldwide.

Here;  Atlantic Niña: Part of the Atlantic is cooling at record speed and nobody knows why | New Scientist

Just a few generations ago, scientists were devoted to understand the things around them that God has always understood.  They didn't deny the Creator and in fact were amazed as they discovered more and more of His creation.

Have they ever been to the bottom of the ocean, 5 miles down, to see if there are vents there that release cool water from the springs of the deep?  Do they have any idea WHO controls those vents to the springs of the deep?

Have they ever been to the sun to take samples and figure out how sun spots can drastically alter our planet earth?

Think of the Book of Job when God finally speaks.  "Where were you when...?"

Sunday, August 25, 2024

“Kill the Jews!”, Chanted at California Public School

Can you imagine the outcry from all the news media if there were some public school students chanting, “kill the nigg..s!”, and only one black student in class stayed behind with his teacher?  Im going to guess that MSNBC would play that clip all day and the View would talk about it all week with Whoopi unable to speak because of her disgust.  But change the chants to another race, the Jews, and you’ll mostly get a collective silence.  The Jews will be regathered to Israel from all nations.  Most won’t go willingly but will wait until their host countries turn on them, like France, the UK and soon USA.


 It’s hard being a kid. In certain school districts, it’s even harder being a Jewish kid. Though antisemitism on college and university campuses is well documented, it is also encouraged, sanctioned, and even taught in some public school districts.

In February, the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law and the Anti-Defamation League filed a complaint against the Berkeley Unified School District in California. The complaint alleged that the district “knowingly allowed its K-12 schools to become hostile environments for Jewish and Israeli students.”

According to the complaint, “Students from Berkeley High School (‘BHS’) left class on October 18, 2023 [during school hours] without parental permission and walked through the city of Berkeley chanting, ‘Stop bombing Gaza’ and ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,’ a phrase that calls for the elimination of all Jews from the State of Israel.”

A BHS teacher encouraged students to take part in the walkout, sponsored by the Arab Resource and Organizing Center, by offering them excused absences. The only student in that class who did not join the protest was Jewish. He stayed in class with the teacher, who offered no instruction during the walkout.

Middle school students also attended, encouraged by their teachers. Students shouted such slogans as, “Kill the Jews,” “[Expletive] the Jews,” “[Expletive] Israel,” “KKK,” “Kill Israel,” and “I hate those people.”

While some call for Israel to be wiped off the map, one New York City teacher used a resource that did exactly that. Rita Lahoud, an elementary school teacher, taught children from the Arab Countries World map of the Middle East, which labels Israel as “Palestine” despite the fact that no independent country of Palestine has ever existed.

The class, part of the Arab Culture Arts program at Brooklyn’s PS 261, is funded by Qatar Foundation International, which reportedly paid $513,000 to the New York City Department of Education in 2022.

Tova Plaut, a New York City public school instructional coordinator, told The Free Press, “It’s not just that we’re experiencing Jewish hate in NYC public schools; we’re actually experiencing Jewish erasure. And here is proof of that.”