Friday, June 28, 2024

The Crushing National Debt Will Crush Each of Us

 Every person in America now has $100,000 worth of the national debt.  This simply can’t continue without hitting a crises like we haven’t seen since the Great Depression and I’m quite sure todays Americans are not cut from the same cloth as our great grandparents were.  I really hope Jesus comes before we are all forced to experience what’s coming.


But whether a polarized Congress can agree on a plan is debatable, they say.

“It is easy to point fingers, but both parties are to blame for our country’s fiscal condition,” wrote Sens. Joe Manchin, a Democrat from West Virginia at the time but has since switched to Independent, and Mitt Romney, R-Utah, and U.S. Reps. Bill Huizenga, R-Mich., and Scott Peters, D-Calif., in an op-ed in January. And “getting out of this mess will require putting aside the political posturing.”

They noted “the national debt has now exceeded $100,000 for every person in the United States. Given the imminent nature of this crisis, continuing to turn a blind eye will only put the American Dream further out of reach for our children and grandchildren.”

US Special Forces Warn of Imminent Attack

 It could come from all the strangers coming in on our Southern border.  Or it could come from all the Muslims we have legally let in who dream of Islam ruling the world.  Remember how everything changed after 9/11?  Why do they check white, old ladies from Iowa at the airport before they board a plane?  Because of Islam.  When a group of people tell you what they want to do, we should listen.


The US Special Forces has warned in an open letter that America faces a “gravely” serious threat of a terrorist attack inside the country because of the direct actions of the Biden administration.

Special Operations Association of America (SOAA) Chairman Christopher Miller, notes in the letter that his organisation is “concerned by the current heightened risk of terrorist attacks against targets inside the United States and both U.S. and allied interests abroad.”

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Jew Hatred on Display in America

 As a rule, Islam hates Jews.  Satan knows they came from the Son of Promise, Isaac, and they have a supernatural hatred.  Why?  Because they came from Abraham's illegitimate son, Ishmael, and have been jealous ever since.

What's funny is all these pro-Palestinian rallies being held all over the USA.  Many times they include gays, queers and transgenders, all of whom would be killed or ridiculed and tortured if we shipped them to the Gaza strip that they rally for.

Today we see just one more example of how USA citizens are turning on the Jews like Germany turned on them before the Holocaust.

Thirty minutes after Hamas supporters first set up their operation outside a Los Angeles synagogue, they maced their first Jew. And the Los Angeles police did nothing.

Not until an hour into the terrorist rally outside a synagogue did the LAPD finally step in, pushing back masked jihad supporters in keffiyeh terror scarves from the entrance of Congregation Adas Torah (Congregation of the Bible), which they had occupied.

And then the mob, chanting calls for "intifada" and the destruction of Israel, moved outward to target two smaller synagogues attended by Persian Jewish refugees from Islamic terror in Iran.

"Billions of us will come and kill you," a heavily accented Middle Eastern man in a keffiyeh rasped at me, unprompted, as I walked up. Only dozens had actually shown up, but they made up for it with bullhorns, robotic chants and assaults in the middle of a Jewish neighborhood.

The Jewish counter protesters had come waving American and Israeli flags, while the other side was a sea of terrorist flags. A man wore an Antifa cap, another had come in ski goggles despite 90-degree heat, while others toted bear spray, metal bottles and other implements of violence.

The Jewish community members included older men and women, as well as families, while the Hamas contingent was mostly young and many were masked. A pair of rabbis led a melodic song that could hardly be heard over the harsh clatter of the hateful terror chants.

Despite knowing that a terrorist rally was planned outside a synagogue, the LAPD had allowed the terrorist supporters to take over the entire sidewalk, leaving only a thin lane for attendees to walk through to get inside. The LAPD did little to interfere with the terrorist supporters, but did block Jewish counter protesters from reaching their own synagogue. The police also did nothing as clumps of masked Hamas supporters broke away from the synagogue and began confronting, threatening and attacking Jewish community members on the street.

LAPD officers did not stir as confrontations escalated into assaults, shoving into mace and bear spray. Jewish community members rushed to provide water bottles to the affected. Only after several such incidents did the LAPD finally bring in reinforcements and push the Hamas supporters away from the synagogue entrance (dispersing them to harass and threaten two other synagogues) while also clearing Jewish families away from the other side of the street who had been peacefully waving flags near a children's school.

Here;  What I Saw At A Terrorist Rally Outside A Synagogue (

Pretty ironic how the party that yells "Racism is a problem in America!", is now the same party that is screaming racist chants about Jews.  You can't make it up so it has to be supernatural.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Russia Summons American Ambassador

 Not a huge surprise here, but Ukraine used an American-made missile to shoot into Russia and attack Russians.  Yep...that's pretty much how war works...but Russia is not happy about it.

The Russian Foreign Ministry summoned the American ambassador on Monday to protest what it says was the use of U.S.-made advanced missiles in a Ukrainian attack on Russian-annexed Crimea that reportedly killed four people and wounded more than 150.

Washington “has effectively become a party” to the war on Ukraine’s side, the ministry said in a statement, adding, “Retaliatory measures will certainly follow.” It did not elaborate.

There was no immediate comment from U.S. or Ukrainian officials. The Associated Press could not independently verify Russia's claims about the missiles used.

Kyiv’s forces have relied heavily on Western-supplied weaponry since Russia’s invasion more than three years ago. The military aid has been crucial in allowing Ukraine to hold the Kremlin’s army at bay, with few major changes along the 1,000-kilometer (620-mile) front line in eastern and southern Ukraine for many months.

Some Western countries have hesitated over providing more — and more sophisticated — help for Kyiv’s army because of concerns about potentially provoking the Kremlin. But as Ukraine has at times struggled to hold the line against Russia’s bigger and better-equipped military, Western leaders have gradually relented and granted more support.

In the latest key development, the Pentagon said last week that Ukraine’s military is being allowed to use longer-range missiles provided by the U.S. to strike targets inside Russia if it is acting in self-defense. Since the outset of the war, the U.S. had maintained a policy of not allowing Ukraine to use the weapons it provided to hit targets on Russian soil for fear of further escalating the conflict.

Here;  Russia summons the American ambassador over a deadly attack that Moscow says used US-made missiles (

The whole world seems to be coming closer and closer to calamity that involves a lot of war.

"There will be war, and rumors of war."

Andrew Cuomo Admits NYC Trump Case Shouldn’t Have Happened

 America is in a bad place.  If the Democrats continue in power the country will continue to fall into delusion and godlessness.  If God allows a Trump victory maybe we will stave off destruction until Jesus comes for His bride.  Much of conservative America is starting to lose confidence in the judicial system.  They think it’s being weaponized to go after people the Democrats don’t like.  And today we read that our fears have merit.  If his name wasn’t Trump this NYC case would have never happened.


To which Cuomo, who was elected as New York State Attorney General in 2006, replied: “That case, the attorney general's case in New York, frankly, should have never been brought."

Cuomo continued: "If his name was not Donald Trump and if he wasn't running for president. I'm the former AG in New York. I'm telling you, that case would have never been brought. And that's what is offensive to people. And it should be!”

"Because if there's anything's belief in the Justice system!"