Friday, June 28, 2024

US Special Forces Warn of Imminent Attack

 It could come from all the strangers coming in on our Southern border.  Or it could come from all the Muslims we have legally let in who dream of Islam ruling the world.  Remember how everything changed after 9/11?  Why do they check white, old ladies from Iowa at the airport before they board a plane?  Because of Islam.  When a group of people tell you what they want to do, we should listen.


The US Special Forces has warned in an open letter that America faces a “gravely” serious threat of a terrorist attack inside the country because of the direct actions of the Biden administration.

Special Operations Association of America (SOAA) Chairman Christopher Miller, notes in the letter that his organisation is “concerned by the current heightened risk of terrorist attacks against targets inside the United States and both U.S. and allied interests abroad.”


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