Monday, September 16, 2024

Israel Drops Leaflets on Lebanon Telling Folks to Evacuate

It sounds like Israel may be ready to strike Hezbollah in Lebanon.  The missiles continue to fly out of Lebanon and into Israel and it would appear that Israel has maybe had enough.

After a barrage of some 40 rockets was fired by Hezbollah in Lebanon at the northern Galilee Panhandle and Golan Heights on Sunday morning, an IDF drone reportedly dropped leaflets in southern Lebanon warning residents to evacuate the area. 

Lebanese news outlets – including the Lebanese News Agency – reported that Israel had dropped leaflets over the village of al-Wazani in the south of the country, calling on residents of the area to evacuate. The Qatari channel Al-Arabi reported that the drone that dropped the Arabic-language leaflets fell in Lebanese territory. 

The leaflets read: "Hezbollah is firing from your area, you must leave your homes immediately, move north of the town of Al-Khiam by 4:00 P.M., and do not return until the end of the war. Anyone found in this area after this hour will be considered a terrorist element.” 

Here;   After 40 rockets launched from Lebanon on Sunday morning, IDF drops leaflets advising Lebanese residents to evacuate | All Israel News

This would certainly push things along the prophetic path.  How long can tiny Israel fight wars against all the Muslims who hate them and want to see their nation destroyed?


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