
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Earthquakes NOT Increasing

According to CNN, scientists are saying the the frequency in earthquakes IS NOT increasing...and is actually pretty normal.

Yes, it seems as if there have been a lot of strong earthquakes this year. And no, it's not a signal that the planet is coming apart at the seams, seismologists say.

The difference this year is not the frequency or strength of earthquakes, but their occurrence in or near population centers, the scientists say.

Major earthquakes in 2010 have caused death and destruction in Haiti, Chile, Mexico and Indonesia, and smaller ones have rattled nerves elsewhere.

"Natural processes become disasters only when they interact with people," said Seth Stein, a distinguished faculty member at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois.

"There are lots of earthquakes every year, but most of them don't do anybody any harm. And even big earthquakes don't necessarily do anybody any harm unless a lot of people live there," said Stein, the William Deering professor of geological sciences in Northwestern's Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences.

See it here;

So, if this is in fact true...let's look at it from a prophetic point of view. Jesus said there will be earthquakes in various places and it will be ONE sign among many that will all begin happening a warning to people.

So if the earth had twenty 7.0 earthquakes last year and they all happened on deserted islands and no one cared or even knew about them.....would that wake anyone up to start looking for other signs? Probably not.

The article says that the large earthquakes are happening in population centers....and that's why everyone is paying attention.

1,000,000 people fasted and prayed to the God of Israel in Haiti following the devastation there. That's a lot of people who may have attained salvation...and the earthquake could have been the final trigger that led them to that point.

So...we will keep watching for earthquakes and signs in nature to be something that alerts folks to the fact that for the first time in human history...many of the signs Christ said to watch for, and the OT prophets said to watch for...all seem to be happening in rapid succession.

As always.....remember that the Jews being gathered back to Israel after being scattered amongst the NATIONS is a prophetic super- sign...and everything else sits on top of that.

Hat tip to Jennie D.


  1. I read that story about the earthquakes on CNN, and I wondered if you would talk about it.
    I would have to say that we are definitely getting a lot more earthquakes now, than we probably had 100 years ago.

  2. A major prophecy site had this to say about your belief that quakes are happening with more frequency today than 100 years ago;

    "The rash of earthquakes in the past few days has caused many people to wonder what is going on. According the U.S. Geological Survey, each year, the earth experiences 17 major earthquakes (magnitude 7.0-7.9). One great earthquake (8.0 or above) will strike worldwide in any given year. Most of these large quakes occur in remote areas where there are few people. To cut through the clutter, I look for how often the major quake hits the bull's-eye--7.0 or higher in a populated area. On average, this should happen once every decade. In just the past 9 years, we've had 10 bull's-eyes."

    Of course, most of us would look at this data and say that it probably ties into what Jesus was talking about...and is truly NOT a coincidence.
