
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Ed Koch Speaks Truth

Do you remember the ex-mayor of New York City? He was a pretty popular figure, but I don't remember if he was a democrat or a republican.

However, today he is publicly lambasting President Obama for his horrendous treatment of Obama seeks to make friends with every fiery Muslim leader...falsely believing that he can achieve friendship with those who don't want it.

He also makes a pretty serious accusation that Obama's brother has something to do with running the opium trade in Afghanistan. That's the first I've ever heard of that.

I weep as I witness outrageous verbal attacks on Israel. What makes these verbal assaults and distortions all the more painful is that they are being orchestrated by President Obama.

I weep today because my president, Barack Obama, in a few weeks has changed the relationship between the U.S. and Israel from that of closest of allies to one in which there is an absence of trust on both sides. The contrast between how the president and his administration deals with Israel and how it has decided to deal with the Karzai administration in Afghanistan is striking.

The Karzai administration, which operates a corrupt and opium-producing state, refuses to change its corrupt ways — the president's own brother is believed by many to run the drug traffic taking place in Afghanistan — and shows the utmost contempt for the U.S. is being hailed by the Obama administration as an ally and publicly treated with dignity. Karzai recently even threatened to join the Taliban if we don't stop making demands on him. Nevertheless, Karzai is receiving a gracious thank-you letter from President Obama. The New York Times of April 10th reported, "…that Mr. Obama had sent Mr. Karzai a thank-you note expressing gratitude to the Afghan leader for dinner in Kabul. 'It was a respectful letter,' General Jones said."

If Obama is seeking to build a siege ramp around Israel, the Jews of modern Israel will not commit suicide. They are willing to negotiate a settlement with the Palestinians, but they will not allow themselves to be bullied into following self-destructive policies.

See it all here;

Friends...we've said it before but we will say it again....if we continue turning on Israel along with the rest of the WILL be the last thing of significance that this country does. We could be buckled overnight by an earthquake on the New Madrid fault, have our financial system collapse overnight, have a dirty nuclear bomb exploded in a major city, or have anarchy over run our cities as welfare checks bounce...all of which (and many more) would cause a quick end to the USA...and all the blessings the God of Israel has bestowed on us.

Please pray for President Obama, pray for the leaders of Israel and pray for the peace of Jerusalem.


  1. Thank you! That makes much more sense. Must have had a brain stall as I was reading.
