
Monday, April 19, 2010

Global Cooling

Here are some facts regarding the volcano in Iceland;

The volcano causing all the trouble is under the Ejfjallajokull glacier, Iceland 's fifth largest glacier. It has erupted five times since Iceland was settled in the ninth century.

Europe's problems could just be at the beginning stage. Scientists say history has proved that when the Ejfjallajokull volcano erupts, the nearby volcano Katla normally follows. When Katla last blew, in the nineteenth century, it remained active for twelve months.

Iceland's volcanoes are ranked as some of the most deadly in the world. Because they sit on a spreading fault that is over a hot spot, they tend to be very explosive in nature, producing large amounts of toxic gas.

Laki is a legendary Icelandic volcano, which had a huge eruption in 1783. The volcano caused nationwide damage when it spectacularly exploded, killing more than 50 percent of the livestock population in Iceland at the time due to the clouds of poisonous fluorine and sulfur dioxide. The resulting famine killed 25 percent of the population.

The after-effects were felt all over the world. Many died from gas poisoning in the British Isles seven hundred miles to the south.

Clouds of aerosols built up, causing a cooling effect on the whole northern hemisphere and killing more than eight thousand people in Britain in the following winter. In North America, the winter of 1784 was the longest and one of the coldest on record. There was a record amount of snow in New Jersey, the Mississippi River froze at New Orleans, and there was ice in the Gulf of Mexico. (

Laki even had a negative impact on food production. After the eruption, crop yields fell in western Europe and famine spread. Some historians even linked the eruption to the French Revolution.

Excuse me....Mr. Al Gore....does the world have any plans to warm the world in the event this volcano keeps erupting?? Should we turn on all the coal plants and all start driving SUV's again??

Is there no end to the arrogance of what man believes he can control?? I guess not.

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