
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Iran "Warns" Israel

As violence continues to escalate between militants in Gaza and Israel....our favorite Iranian has something to say;

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Saturday warned against an alleged Israeli plan to launch a new military offensive against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, Iran's English-language satellite channel Press TV reported.

In his speech at the inauguration of the Middle East's biggest iron ore pellet factory in the southern Iranian city of Sirjan, Ahmadinejad condemned Israel's "continued crimes" in the Palestinian territories and Lebanon, stressing that Israel "is the sole obstacle to the establishment of peace and security in the region."

He also said Israel has "clearly been given carte blanche by Western powers to commit whatever crime it pleases and violate whatever law it deems necessary."

Ahmadinejad's remarks came only one day after Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Silvan Shalom warned Hamas that patience in the Jewish state was wearing thin and threatened to launch a fresh military offensive in Gaza.

See it here;

Now try to imagine this "warning" spoken of by Ahmadinejad if Iran had successfully tested a nuclear missile? Now try to imagine that you live in tiny Israel that would be totally annihilated by one nuclear warhead?

When you realize that the Jews have said, "Never Again!" in regards to the understand why they have no choice but to attempt to deny Iran nuclear weapons.

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