
Friday, April 2, 2010

Mark of the Beast

We continue to watch developments and foreshadowing of what Revelation 13:16 tells us is coming;

"He (Antichrist) also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name."

Today we read this coming out of India;

India is launching a new census in which every person aged over 15 will be photographed and fingerprinted to create a biometric national database.

The government will then use the information to issue identity cards.

Officials will spend a year classifying India's population of around 1.2 billion people according to gender, religion, occupation and education.

See it here;

This is simply amazing. The government will classify people based on religion, occupation and education. Can you see a time coming when these folks won't be allowed to go anywhere, or buy anything without producing their identity cards?

We are the only generation that has lived in a technological age that makes this "mark of the beast" prophecy possible.

Ever since the Apostle John wrote down this prophecy, biblical scholars have been making up ideas of what this might mean....or more than likely they have just been skipping the book of Revelation because it was just so impossible and confusing that no one could understand it.

Now today, the government of India will manage 1.2 billion citizens using an Apple laptop computer bought at Walmart for under $700.

Praise the Lord that all people indwelt with the Holy Spirit will not have to endure this "mark of the beast". We will be sitting out this whole part of prophecy safely in the arms of our Lord...because the rapture of the church will have already happened.

Thank you Jesus!

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