
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Mary Muslim Connection

One of the things we watch for is the movement towards a one world religion. This religion will probably center around everyone joining hands to worship some, "Ancient power of the universe." That way the pagans, witches, Mormons, Catholics, Muslims, and earth worshipers could all join hands and get behind the Antichrist....because he will be able to show counterfeit miracles, signs, wonders and even be able to call down fire from heaven.

That will be a tough act to refute...for the people on earth who witness it. (Thank you Jesus for the rapture of the church BEFORE this happens!)

We now see some evidence of Catholics joining hands with Muslims...and their point of unity is none other than the Virgin Mary. Both may one day agree to worship her together. Also, I will remind you that there is a strong movement in the Catholic church to make Mary on an equal level with Jesus Christ....calling her a "co-redemptress"...meaning that either Jesus or Mary can grant salvation.

Wow! anti-christ can you get to come up with that one?

Lebanese Christians (Catholics?) and Muslims are celebrating today, 25 March, the Feast of the Annunciation, an official national holiday sanctioned by the Government of Lebanon. All public buildings, schools, banks and university are closed. The government has also encouraged private businesses to do the same.

Former Polish President Lech Walesa, who has a deep devotion to Mary, was to be in Lebanon for the holiday.

Dar-al-Fatwa Secretary General Sheikh Mohammed Nokkari, one of the main promoters of the joint festivity, said he hopes that such a holiday would spread to other parts of the world, adding that it was fitting that it should begin in Lebanon, which the late Pope John Paul II had described as "a message of pluralism for the East and the West."

For the Muslim clergyman, Mary is “the best woman ever, here (on earth) and in eternity” for “she's above all women”, a symbol of unity between the two faiths.

The Council of Maronite Bishops praised the government's decision, saying it "helps in bringing hearts together”.

See it here;

Holy cow!! Did you catch that.... "symbol of unity" and "bringing hearts together"?

If the Lord tarries, understand that all of us Christ followers (your religion is a moot point) who believe the Word of God and take Christ at His words, "I am the way the truth and the light. NO MAN comes to the father but through the Son."....we will all be persecuted if we take a stand for Christ and refuse to be part of this unholy, "unity".

Amen. Come Lord Jesus....and PLEASE come soon.

Hat tip Heather J.

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