
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Missiles In a Box

Our friends, the Russians have just decided to sell some nifty new missiles that are carried in a semi can be easily disguised by anyone hoping to launch Armageddon.

But have no fear....they claim that they have very good safeguards in place so that they won't fall into the wrong hands.

Right. Let's see....sell them to Syria and Iran. That oughta go well.

This relatively cheap, extra-smart, easy-to-use Club-K Container Missile System, which Moscow has put on the open market, allows cruise missiles concealed in freight containers to be launched from a prepositioned or moving land or sea platform. It is virtually undetectable by radar until activated. No wonder, Iran and Venezuela were keenly interested when the Club-K was put on the market at the Defense Services Asia exhibition in Malaysia this week for $15 million.

Western military experts are calling it a "real maritime fear for anyone with a waterfront." The container-cum-missiles, carried by a ship, fishing vessel or truck can approach a targeted coast, highway or international railway and strike behind the target's missile defenses without alerting radar monitors or even surveillance drones and satellites.

See it here;

Does anyone else get the feel that we are in the "calm before the storm"?

Hat tip to Aaron J.

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