
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Obama, "Inexperienced Amateur"

When Obama was elected, he promised to usher in a new era of peace and cooperation with the countries who don't like us. He promised that he would undo all the problems that George Bush created by not talking nice about others. Finally, he promised Iran that we would would extend our hand if they unclenched their fist.

Ummm..Yea,'s that working?

Iran's president attacks Obama on nuclear "threat"

(Reuters) - Iran's president made a scathing and personal attack on U.S. President Barack Obama on Wednesday as an "inexperienced amateur" who was too quick to threaten to use nuclear weapons against enemies of the United States.

Commenting on new U.S. policy restrictions on the use of atomic weapons which sent a stern message to nuclear-defiant Iran that it remained a potential target, hard-line Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told Obama that Iran would not yield to threats.

"Obama made these latest remarks because he is inexperienced and an amateur politician," Ahmadinejad said on Iranian television. "American politicians are like cowboys. Whenever they have legal shortcomings, their hands go to their guns."

Obama had made a diplomatic overture to Tehran soon after he took power in 2009, urging it to "unclench its fist."

See it here;

George Bush labeled Iran as part of the "axis of evil". The liberals of the world declared that to be "name calling" and "not helpful".

Well, the liberals have now had over a year to make friends with the evil mongers...and we can now see from the above how well that has gone.

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