
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Obama Mentally Ill?

The headline of this article published in the Phoenix East Valley Tribune used this for a headline;
Obama Going Off the Deep End

A recent analysis by Roger Simon of PJTV Media maintains that Obama is showing signs of mental illness. A wide variety of commentators have observed that Obama displays severe narcissism. Obama is conceited, and he is demonstrating a serious disassociation from reality.

As Charles Krauthammer wrote, “Not that Obama considers himself divine. (He sees himself as merely messianic, or, at worst, apostolic.) But he does position himself as hovering above mere mortals, mere country, to gaze benignly upon the darkling plain beneath him where ignorant armies clash by night, blind to the common humanity that only he can see."

Obama sees himself as the greatest man to be president in all time. He truly believes it when he said "we are the ones we have been waiting for," and "this is the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and the planet began to heal." He believes that he can do anything he pleases and the people will love him for it. Obama plans to radically transform this country and go down in history as, in his mind, the greatest ever. Obama is clearly disconnected from reality.

Obama is, according to Newt Gingrich, “potentially the most dangerous (president), because he so completely misunderstands reality.”Gingrich was referring to Obama’s inept and weak stance on missile defense amongst other things. Even Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said that Obama is an amateur; so much for wowing the world. Obama lives in an alternate universe where he treats our friends poorly and expects our enemies to change and become our friends. Here’s hoping that the voters help to connect this president back to reality in November.

See it here;

Now, let's look closely at why many believe Obama to be a foreshadowing of the Antichrist. First off he comes in peace...but ends up making the world more dangerous. He starts off as a mortal man...but ends up believing he is messiah. He ends up living in an alternate universe where he believes he can defeat Jesus. He signs up lots of countries as friends...but ends up turning on them all. Can you see some Obama in all that?

Obama campaigned on being the great uniter and felt confident that he would be able to bring the two warring parties together again in D.C. In reality, he has pushed the two parties further apart and seeks to belittle anyone who would dare question the public questioning his unread/unknown health care bill. In his mind he simply doesn't believe any of us are smart enough to figure out what we really in his infinite wisdom, he will do it for us.

As another prophecy watcher is fond of saying, "You can almost hear the hoofbeats of the Antichrist". Certainly....he must be close.

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