
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Psalm 83 on Horizon?

We have blogged and spoken about Psalm 83 for the past few most readers should be somewhat clued in on this prophecy. For those who aren't, the nutshell summary is that Israel will someday take out ALL it's surrounding neighbors on their current border using it's own army.

Once Israel does this, it will further set up the situation for Ezekiel 38-39 to be fulfilled. But take note....Psalm 83 will be fought by the Israeli army whereas Ezekiel 38-39 will be fought by God....just as he used to fight for Israel in days of old.

Many major prophecy sites have been watching/posting on Psalm 83, and this article came out yesterday.

However, matters have deteriorated (between Israel and it's neighbors) and are quite different today. A brief review of Mideast events occurring since the Israel – Hamas war suggests the Fertile Crescent is presently a ticking end time’s bomb set to explode. In addition to the war pacts described above, here are a few more troublesome interim occurrences:
1. Israelis are being fitted for gas masks.
2. Israelis are preparing for a multi-front chemical war with Iran, Hezbollah, Syria, and Hamas.
3. Israel is constructing new and renovating thousands of old bomb shelters.
4. Israel is threatening a pre-emptive strike against Iran’s nuclear sites.
5. Iran could have a nuclear bomb within eighteen months.
6. Syria is now thought to have the most powerful scud missiles in the world.
7. Syria has reportedly shipped scud missiles to Hezbollah.
8. Syria has threatened to attack major Israeli cities in the event of war.
9. Hezbollah has declared that it can wipe out one-half of Israel’s army.
10. Hezbollah has been training for hand to hand combat inside Israeli cities.
11. Hezbollah and Syria reportedly have chemical weapons.
12. Hezbollah has stockpiled over 50,000 rockets.
13. Jerusalem and Tel Aviv are within rocket reach of Israel’s enemies.
14. Hamas reportedly has rockets that can reach Israel’s nuclear reactor in Dimona.

Read it here;

As we have been saying....WHEN this happens it will change all of our lives. Also just a reminder....MOST prophecy watchers believe Christians will be here to witness Psalm 83 but WILL NOT be here to witness Ezekiel 38....because we will have been snatched away by a thief in the night.

Watch and pray.

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