
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Undersea Volcano

Scientists are reporting a huge underwater volcano that could erupt at any time...and if it does it could cause enough violence to destroy southern Italy.

The walls of the largest underwater volcano in Europe could collapse, releasing thousands of tons of magma, which would trigger a tsunami that would likely inundate southern Italy, experts at the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology told CNN.

The Marsili volcano, which has an active magma chamber, also has areas losing magnetism and a large amount of weak and permeable rocks supporting it, which researchers said means that the walls could essentially crumble at any time with the right seismic activity.

And if that happens – the result could be catastrophic.

See it here;

It would appear that the frequency of natural disasters are increasing exponentially. I wonder who has the money to rebuild what floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, volcanoes, etc..... are destroying?

I heard the USA just committed $3.5 billion to help rebuild Haiti. That's cool....but I wonder who will loan us the money so that we can give it to Haiti?

We should continue to pray that millions of people will come to salvation because of the fear of what is coming.

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom," says God.

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