
Monday, May 24, 2010

Eisenhower Met With Aliens

A few weeks ago, a former Legislator from New Hampshire gave an interview where he clearly says that President Eisenhower met with aliens....that would be aliens believed to be from another planet....not the illegal aliens causing Arizona so much problem.

When you watch it, listen for words like "enlightenment" and "knowledge".

Clearly the stage is being set for some strange things to happen as Satan unrolls his final, grand plan of deception....and this former D.C. servant is just one more person whose testimony will prepare most folks on planet earth to accept these "aliens" when they do show up...and treat them like friends.

If you and I are still here to witness this bizarre event...we will know them to be demons and/or fallen angels masquerading as visitors from another solar system or alternate universe...whatever story they may come up with.

See it here;

Let me state again VERY clearly....I am not saying that this guy is legit or that he is who he says he is....but I am saying that the world is being prepared to accept "strange flesh" when it shows up.

Also, I have been reading the Book of Enoch which is mentioned in the book of Jude...and Enoch seems to hint at a time when fallen angels gave men knowledge....and it seems that the knowledge that they gave may have been against God's ordinance. Could we be setting up for a repeat?

"The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons." 1 Timothy 4:1

Clearly if we believe what the "aliens" have to tell us....this prophecy will be fulfilled in full.

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