
Friday, May 7, 2010

Hal Lindsey Asks--"Are You Ready?"

Hal Lindsey is the author of the 1970's best seller, LATE, GREAT PLANET EARTH.

Today on his email he explains that everything is now in place for The Tribulation...which means the Rapture comes is even closer.

He asks the most serious question in the history of ALL mankind....ARE YOU READY?

On this week's edition of "The Hal Lindsey Report": God promised Abraham that He would bless those who blessed him and his descendants, but that He would curse those who cursed him. God also promised Abraham that through him and his seed, all families of the earth would be blessed.

History seems to confirm this. Those people, nations, empires, and kingdoms who blessed and protected the Jews enjoyed the blessings of God. When they turned their backs on God's people, their national fortunes faded. Why should we think America is not subject to the same blessings and curses?

The Obama administration has been quietly assuring European and Arab leaders that if the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks are still stalled in November, the President will personally convene an international peace conference to impose a solution on the region.

The latest target of the Obama Reformation League is Wall Street and the nation's bankers. But are the banks that were "too big to fail" a couple of years ago "too big to regulate" now?

Every industry and every special interest group has a lobbyist now. The Antichrist is no different. In fact, one of his chief lobbyists recently spoke to the Council on Foreign Relations.

Think "The Tribulation" is years away? I'm thinking now that the conditions are ripe for the Tribulation to plausibly begin in days or weeks, not months or years. And if the Tribulation could be that close, how near does that make the Rapture? Are you read

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