
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Magog Warns of Mideast Catastrophe

This article has "prophecy" written all over it.

We have Russia, (Magog) warning from Damascus that the current Mideast tensions building between Iran (Persia), Arabs and Israel....could result in a catastrophe.

DAMASCUS, Syria — Russia's president said Tuesday that Israeli-Arab tensions threaten to draw the Middle East into a new catastrophe, adding Moscow's weight to a diplomatic push to ease antagonism between Israel and Syria.

The Russian and Syrian presidents, meeting in Damascus, also affirmed ally Iran's right to develop a peaceful nuclear energy program, as world powers press for new economic sanctions to try to stop what they say is really a drive for an atomic weapons capability.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, whose country has been building up its influence as a Middle East mediator, pledged its assistance in pushing the region toward peace.

"Tensions in the Middle East threaten to lead to a new explosion or even a catastrophe," he said.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu charged Tuesday that Iran is trying to provoke a conflict between Israel and Syria.


In a joint statement issued after their talks, Assad and Medvedev called for a nuclear weapons free Middle East and urged Israel to join the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and open up its nuclear facilities to the U.N. monitoring agency.

See it here;

As we have talked about already...the evidence is continuing to build that the world will use the NPT to force Israel into a corner and DEMAND that she sign the NPT...which Israel will never do.

The pressure will become intense...and if President Obama stomps his foot on Israel's neck and throws his hat in with the rest of the in the USA will get even more interesting for all all of us.

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