
Sunday, May 16, 2010

More Confirmation

Some folks I talk to simply won't entertain the idea that there is anything different about the events happening on earth verses the events that have ALWAYS happened on earth.

Furthermore, if you dare say to them, "I believe these may all be the events happening at once that Jesus told us to watch for,"....then you will REALLY get a sideways glance. The sad thing is that those glances come from people within the church. You would EXPECT them from people outside the church...but not from folks who claim to love Jesus and should be excited for His return.

"First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come scoffing and following their own evil desires. They (people in the church) will say, "Where is this 'coming' he promised? Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation." 2 Peter 3:3-4

So don't be disheartened friends when the folks from church roll their eyes at you as you become more amazed at what God is doing in this day.

Also lest you think we are the only ones who are connecting dots...remember that there are PLENTY of VERY Biblically literate folks who are seeing and saying the EXACT same things.

One of them is long time Watcher, Jan Markell;
What is the deeper meaning here? The world is being bombarded with what the Bible calls "birth pangs." God is trying to get our attention. The world does not understand end-time scenarios so God is trying to wake up the church. We are seeing financial chaos, volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, oil spills -- all of disastrous proportion. To solve the financial issues, the world will willingly walk into the one-world system with a one-world currency. Right now both the Euro and the dollar are crumbling. People will be open to a powerful, charismatic man who will tell everyone he can fix it all. The Bible calls him the Antichrist. He will be empowered to do miracles, signs and wonders, and pull rabbits out of hats.

See it here;

So let's all be encouraged to keep blowing our trumpets warning all those around us that something big is happening...THIS IS NOT BUSINESS AS USUAL!! And take heart in the fact that Noah's neighbors scoffed at him for over 100 years as he built a big boat in his front yard and told everyone who came to see it to repent. They scoffed at him for a LONG time....before the flood and came and took them all away.

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