
Monday, May 17, 2010

Unexpected Accord

The headline that just broke 2 hours ago is that Iran and Turkey have reached unexpected accord on nuclear enrichment.

Unexpected to who? The world?...most of whom have never cracked open their Bibles?

To Bible readers who have been studying Ezekiel 38 and 39 this is not unexpected at all. In fact it was foretold about 2800 years ago that Iran and Turkey would end up in the same coalition during the very last days before Christ returns. But before He returns that coalition will have an evil thought to destroy Israel and take the wealth that they have amassed....and God himself will destroy that coalition as they are gathering for battle. Israel won't have to fire a shot.

And now we are seeing what could be the formation of that coalition...and it has happened at incredible speed....while most folks on earth turn to the sports section of their paper and say, "So....who cares?"

Iran reached a surprise nuclear agreement with Brazil and Turkey on Monday, a deal that threatens to undermine the Obama administration's efforts to stem the Iranians' nuclear ambitions -- and, more broadly, the U.S. diplomatic strategy.

Analysts say Iran has effectively created the illusion of progress in nuclear negotiations with the West without offering what the United States and its allies have long demanded. As a result, the Obama administration now faces the uncomfortable prospect of rejecting a proposal it offered nearly eight months ago -- or seeing months of effort to enact new sanctions derailed.

Did you catch that?? Iran has effectively created the illusion of progress? Put in layman's terms, they have been playing team Obama like a schoolboy telling him what he wants to hear while merrily going about with their original plans.

See it here;

Friends...the days may be drawing to a close...exactly as the Bible said they would. Are we ready to meet our Savior Jesus in the air at the rapture of the church? Have we loved our neighbors so we can have the opportunity to tell them about Jesus before it's too late for them? Have we treated our co workers with respect and honor so we can have the opportunity to tell them about Jesus being the ONLY way to escape the wrath of God that is already being kindled? What have we been doing to snatch people from the fire?

"I am the way the truth and the life. No man comes to the father but through me."....says Jesus...who is the Creator of the universe.

When was the last time we told someone about Jesus? When was the last time our heart broke for someone who doesn't yet know him?

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