
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What's Happening in Turkey

We know that Turkey has recently changed course and is now running into the arms of Iran and Russia. This has happened VERY suddenly and Bible watchers are unanimous in realizing that Ezekiel 38 consists of a coalition made up of Russia, Iran, Turkey and others leading the charge to destroy Israel.

Friends, you almost can't make this up...but the Wall Street Journal has an article in today's paper talking about Turkey running into the arms of Iran...and running away from Israel. So clearly, the secular reporters are seeing the same things as us....they just have no idea that what they are reporting is tied to Biblical prophecy.

Last week I asked Bernard Lewis where he thought Turkey might be going. The dean of Middle East historians speculated that in a decade the secular republic founded by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk might more closely resemble the Islamic Republic of Iran—even as Iran transformed itself into a secular republic.

Today, Mr. Erdogan (Turkish Prime Minister) has excellent relations with Syrian strongman Bashar Assad, whom the prime minister affectionately calls his "brother." He has accused Israel of "savagery" in Gaza and opened a diplomatic line to Hamas while maintaining good ties with the genocidal government of Sudan. He was among the first foreign leaders to congratulate Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on his fraudulent victory in last year's election. He has resisted intense pressure from the Obama administration to vote for a new round of Security Council sanctions on Iran, with which Turkey has a $10 billion trade relationship. And he has sabotaged efforts by his own foreign ministry to improve ties with neighboring Armenia.

The more serious question is how far it all will go. Some of Mr. Erdogan's domestic power plays smack of incipient Putinism. The estrangement from Israel is far from complete, but an Israeli attack on Iran might just do the trick. And it's hard to see why Mr. Erdogan should buck public opinion when it comes to Turkey's alliance with the U.S. when he's prepared to follow public opinion in so many other matters. (Only 14% of Turks are pro American. The worst report ever...and Obama has made it worse)

Most importantly, will the Erdogan brand of Islamism remain relatively modest in its social and political ambitions, or will it become aggressive and radical? It would be wrong to pretend to know the answer. It would be insane not to worry about the possibility.

See it here;

Did you catch that sentence where the author asked, "The more serious question is how far it will all go?"

I believe I may contact him and point him to Ezekiel the author Brett Stephens, will also be plugged into the Word of that he can quit fretting about the possibility of Turkey turning on Israel and The West.


1 comment:

  1. You should contact the author - who best to engage him than a 'watcher' like you! Prophecy sowing is like sowing the gospel message - some day he may turn to the Word to find out what happens on earth. Halleluia!
