
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Another Flotilla May Trigger War

The Arabs/Muslims seemed so pleased with the "success" of the Turkish Flotilla that others are being planned. I have "success" in quotes because the incident (see previous post) served it's purpose of producing photographs of dead Turks capable of turning world opinion against Israel.

So now it's Lebanon's turn to bring aid to the poor folks in Gaza. And a Lebanese General is warning that if Israel does anything to these women.....there will be hell to pay.

TEHRAN (FNA)- A retired Lebanese General warned Israel against a raid on a convoy of Lebanese ships carrying humanitarian aids for the people in Gaza, stressing that any such move by the regime will be reciprocated with Hezbollah's crushing response.

Hatit pointed out that the ships are carrying Lebanese humanitarian aids and all the passengers are women or journalists who carry no weapon, and thus, the Zionist regime cannot label them as terrorists.

His comments came after the Zionist regime attacked a six-ship convoy of international aids for the besieged people in Gaza on May 31. During the raid, over 100 Israeli soldiers supported by military choppers killed 20 international human rights activists and wounded 80 more.

See it here;

Now take note that this news article is from an Iranian news of course they are going to describe the terrorists with knives and pipes who attacked Israeli soldiers as, "international human rights activists."

And I would guess this Iranian news service also had bought the Reuter's photos that had cropped out the butcher knife that those "activists" were carrying. Again, see previous post called FAUXTOGROPHY to understand this line.

Anyway, regardless of what the truth is and whose version anyone believes.....the real truth is that war seems to be brewing in a big way in the Middle East....and Israel seems to be right in the center of it.

Hat tip to Tom.


  1. Hi Dennis,

    Have a look at this article on Alarabya...

    Do some web searches on Ali Saeedi, it will lead you to some very interesting places...

    I have been slumming on some of the Iranian and Pakistani chat boards.

    There is excitement in the air.

    Spokesman says Iran's supreme leader represents MahdiMuslims must unite for Islam's savior: Iran

    Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's spokesman, Ali Saeedi, said countries like Turkey, Iraq, Lebanon,
    Pakistan and Afghanistan should gather together all their forces in order to make drastic
    changes to prepare for the coming of al-Mahdi al-Montazar, Arabic for "the awaited guided one."

    They are keeping track on the Islamic side...

    Ten Major Signs of the Last Day - Has One Just Occurred

    The term ‘Last Day’ in reality stands for the ‘Last Age’, or the age which would culminate in the end of
    history—when the true Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary (not son of God), would return to rule the world
    from Jerusalem with justice and ‘eternal’ rule.

    Humm go figure... Pray to God without Jesus... You have to read this one...

    This is a pretty cool article on the future of money in Islam. I have to say this is one of their better ideas. Return to Gold and silver money.
    if you read through it will give you a great overview of the Islamic view of Christianity and Judaism.

    Yours in Christ,



    Iran to send blockade-busting ship to GAZA, Israeli Commandos train for confrontation.

    Looks like the Israelis are getting ready for a fight.


