
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Christians Targeted in Iraq

Keep in mind that the city of Babylon is in Iraq. Also remember that the Bible says Babylon will be the focus of much attention during The Tribulation.

We have wondered aloud if America was destined to go into Iraq and overthrow Saddam Hussein to pave the way for the Babylon prophesies to start to be fulfilled.

We have also wondered aloud if America will soon start falling from God's grace if He is done using us for His prophetic purposes....and maybe the war in Iraq was the last purpose He had for us?

Remember that we can usually see where Satan is building strongholds by finding some evidence that his demons leave in their wake. Hatred and persecution of Jews is a number one sign. Secondly, hatred and persecution of Christ followers is another sign.

With that in mind...and by connecting prophetic should not surprise us to see persecution of Christians continuing to grow in Iraq.

Shootings, bombings, rapes and kidnappings of middle class citizens, particularly Christians, increased markedly during the past year in Baghdad, Mosul, and the Sunni villages of the Nineveh Plain. This is one of the worst waves of violence against Christians since the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, when, ironically, Christians fled the violence in a mass exodus. While media coverage downplays the religious significance, sources on the ground in those communities repeatedly pinpoint Islamic extremists as the culprit. Not only religious differences, but also cultural and political differences fuel their drive to exterminate Christ-followers.

Christians in Iraq aren't necessarily being shot to death, kidnapped or raped for sharing their faith. They're often killed for owning a hair salon that cuts women's hair, for allowing women to socialize with men, for not wearing a birqa, for openly selling pork or liquor, or even for entering a voting booth.

A 2004 article in Time touched on the sad irony of the US-led invasion - particularly that of American Christians, who backed Bush's decision to go to war with Iraq: "Many Iraqi Christians say their reversal of fortune has been especially disappointing given the backing the Bush Administration receives from evangelical Christians. 'Why did the US come here?' asks Mardirosian, the Armenian-Catholic leader, 'To protect the Christians or allow others to kill them?'"

Much of the recent increase in violence toward Christians was in preparation for Iraq's March 2010 parliamentary elections. Islamic extremists did not want Western-sympathizing Christians to vote. From February until the March 7th election date, Iraq Body Count tallies at least 228 people (Christians and non-Christians) killed, and another 176 people killed between election day and the release of the final results about a month later.

Certainly, Iraqi Christians need intelligent, outspoken support. Yet the UN's recent concessions to extremist Muslim leaders and Obama's failure so far to champion the Christian minorities in Iraq offer little political light to the dismal situation.

See it here;

Of course the politically correct Team Obama can't possible point out that Christians are being targeted. To the liberal mind they are all just Iraqis...and there is no difference if Sunnis are killing Shiites or Shiites are killing Christians. Team Obama would simply believe that, "Losing any human life is a tragedy." So they have 100% failed to connect the dots that THIS CHRISTIAN NATION OF AMERICA SHOULD BE OFFERING SPECIAL BENEFITS TO PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS AROUND THE GLOBE.

According to the Book of Acts...membership in the body of Christ should have it's benefits...even while operating on this earth which is behind Satan's enemy lines. When America ignores blatant persecution of Christ is simply one more sign that we have TOTALLY lost our compass.

After you read the linked article and find out what is happening to Christians in Iraq....see if you can find it within yourself to complain to God about your job, your house, the stock market, the late payment on your bass boat or the long line you had to endure at the airport while waiting to fly to your winter home.


  1. Hi Dennis,

    Here are some links to consider for your blog.

    Lebanese Threaten Mass March on Israeli Border

    Temple Mount Tensions Rise; Fatah, Hamas Call Muslims to Act

    Jews Detained for Kneeling on Temple Mount

    Commander: UAV Battalions to Be Formed in All Air Force Bases

    Iranian General: Zionist Regime Crippled by Global Opposition

    Bin Laden said to be in Iran

    Note he is in Sabzevar, this is a province of Koreshan in norther Iran (Persia) where the Black flags of the islamic end times army will come from.

  2. Hi Dennis,

    One More...

    A recently discovered comet is surprising skywatchers by becoming brighter than predictions had first suggested and can now be seen with the unaided eye during the next few weeks.

    Go have a look at some of the blogs in the middle east on this one.

    A star with a luminous tail will rise from the East before the Mahdi emerges. (Ka'b al-Ahbar)

    A comet will be appearing in the East, giving out illumination before he arrives. (Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntazar, p. 53)

    The rise of that star will occur after the eclipse of the Sun and the Moon. (Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-zaman, p. 32)

  3. Great links Tom. Have you read the book by Joel Richardson about the 12th Imam, also called the Mahdi? When you look at what the Shiite prophesies say that he will be can cut and paste a lot of it into what the Bible says the Antichrist will be like. Of course it makes sense...since Satan has had a copy of the Bible for quite some time now and has had centuries to plan for the deception and destruction of mankind.

  4. Hi Dennis,
    I have not read Joel’s book. I would like to. I got involved with the study of Islamic doctrine through the military. I did a study on the Islamic texts that we were taking off the fighters we killed on the field in Afghanistan and Iraq. This along with my studies in Air War College led me to the big picture view from a capabilities perspective of what next steps will be in the Middle East. The lineage and teachings of the Muslim Brotherhood lead me to the study of the methodology of Dallwah and the Quranic warfare concepts. These are in English texts published in Pakistan. They are very obscure but lay out the weaponization of the Quran and the 5 steps of conquest. The manner in which deception is interlaces with the plan is masterful. It is what is called civilization Jihad. I looked at the phase lines for the struggle for civilization Jihad from the Hadiths and it hit me in the head like a rock when I started to connect the dots with Christian eschatology. Very powerful realization of what is going on from an information operations perspective. We have fallen asleep here in the west. Our president has removed any reference from our National Security Strategy of Islam and extremism. In doing so the documents that are connected to it, the national defense strategy, the national military strategy, and the theater specific documents have removed the verbiage also. These documents are what military planners use to allocate dollars against the threats that the President deems important. We have let down our guard. The power vacuum will be filled. Our president has stood before the Islamic states and stated that America no longer considers itself a Christian nation, We have turned or back on Israel, We have stepped back from the table of the great game, Our military is openly embracing homosexuals in the ranks, and shortly abortions will also be allowed. I would speculate that our divine combat multiplier that we have enjoyed in the past may soon be removed.

    Yours in Christ

