
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Did We Dodge a Bullet?

Yesterday's headline about the G8 discussing how they were going to put pressure on North Korea, Iran and Israel was very concerning.

The headlines today (even at Al Jazeera) have dropped Israel from the headline but left in North Korea and Iran.

G8 criticises N Korea and Iran

The leaders of the world's eight richest nations have concluded their summit in Canada with tough words for North Korea and Iran over their nuclear programmes.

The G8 focused on recovery from a global economic crisis in their two-day summit in the Canadian town of Huntsville but made note of other thorny issues in their final statement issued on Saturday.

In it, they singled out Israel's blockade on the Gaza Strip, Iran and North Korea for criticism.The leaders said that the Gaza blockade was "not sustainable" and "must be changed".

The G statement welcomed the Israeli government's recent plan to partially ease the blockade, and called for it to be put in place immediately.

The leaders urged the Israelis and Palestinians to create conditions conducive to direct peace talks.

"We urge full and effective implementation of this policy in order to address the needs of Gaza's population for humanitarian and commercial goods, civilian reconstruction and infrastructure, and legitimate economic activity," the final communique said.

See it here;

So the G8 ended up urging the Israeli's and Palestinians....blah, blah, blah.

Had that same G8 started "demanding" or boycotting Israel....we could have all been terribly concerned for what they could have meant for the G8. But it appears that this didn't happen let's call it good news!


  1. We may ahve dodged this bullet but the next one is in the planning...

    Parliament Speaker Due to Leave Iran for Syria Tomorrow

    TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani is scheduled to leave Tehran for Damascus on Tuesday in a bid to take part in an emergency meeting of the Islamic Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU).

    The meeting of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) Parliamentary Union - also known as the Islamic IPU - will be held in the Syrian capital on Wednesday with the heads of legislative bodies of the Islamic states in attendance.

    Participants in the meeting are due to discuss ways to end the siege of Gaza.

    Yours in Christ,


  2. Hi Dennis,
    Here is another piece to the puzzle.

    Arab Inter-parliamentary Union was established after the 1973 War Where Israel
    pounded on the Arabs.
    From their web site:
    The Arab Inter-parliamentary Union (AIPU) is an Arab parliamentary
    organization composed of parliamentary groups representing Arab
    Parliaments. It was born in the wake of the October war of 1974,
    as a result of the atmosphere of Arab solidarity and Arab joint
    action, which encouraged Arab cooperation
    through political, professional and other institutions.
    Please note that this action has been in the planning for some time...
    Yours in Christ.
    PS: Please read the Hamas goals and Charter located here:
    It is on Wikipedia, out in the open. Yet the world keeps their eyes shut.

  3. Hi Dennis,
    Contained in this document is the Islamic information operations plan for America.
    Please open this PDF.
    I know this is a long document but just do a search on Christ to start. Read the paragraphs surrounding that key word. You will get the idea quickly. This is a grand deception plan.
    I do like how they open with the situation of the battle field. Their assessment is very accurate.
    WHAT TO PRESENT From Page 83....
    America is a predominantly secular cum permissive society. People are
    mostly dominated and dictated by their physical urges. Rather, for all
    practical purposes, they have become slaves to their physical instincts.
    They are governed by a secular, rigid constitution that guarantees
    unrestricted personal freedom to act, to speak, to behave, to assemble, to
    move around and enjoy life the way they desire. "In God We Trust" is
    simply a slogan coined by their forefathers. It has no bearing on their
    living condition. Religion is a personal affair between God and individual.
    It is limited within the four walls of the church, the synagogue and the
    temple. It is nowhere visible in the life pattern of the people, except in
    very small pockets of conservative Jews and Christians. Churches have
    become more like social institutions than religious meeting places,
    offering various cultural needs of the Christian community.

    We represent the very small pockets that are talked atout in this document. Stand firm. Pray for mercy.

    Yours in Christ,

