
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Flotilla Agenda

Have you seen the videos of Israeli Navy Seals dropping onto the boats heading for Gaza? People on board immediately started clubbing the soldiers and threw one of them overboard.

As yourself this; If the US Navy attempted to board a boat that they suspected of carrying forbidden cargo off the coast of New York....and the people on the boat starting clubbing the Navy soldiers with iron pipes and knives....would you say the US soldiers had a right to defend themselves as they probably feared for their lives? Further, if one of the pipe-swingers was injured or killed wouldn't you say, "Well duh? What do you think happens when you try and hit Navy Seals with pipes?"

Of course that would be the logical conclusion. But the world's thoughts about Israel are not logical. And as we have said MANY times; "When you see something that makes no logical sense...there has to be a supernatural reason behind it."

What is the supernatural reason? Satan hates Israel is reason number one. And God's prophetic word WILL BE FULFILLED TO THE LETTER, would be supernatural reason #2.

I received this email from one of my contacts in Jerusalem who clearly says that the propaganda war is just beginning.

The Gaza flotilla Agenda

The flotilla of boats , it seems were not interested in humanitarian aid. These so called peace activists were not directed by peaceful intentions. The activists , at least on one ship called the 'Marmara' with 570 people were waiting for the arrival of the soldiers armed with long clubs, metal bars and knives. It is clear from the footage on Turkish TV that as the Israeli commandos came down on ropes they are attacked with metal bars and poles. One soldier is seen trying to protect himself from the attack.

According to the IDF spokesperson, the army received an order to stop the boats which were carrying unknown equipment. "In the largest boat, called 'Marmara', there are 570 people.

In the wordsof the spokesman Avi Benayahu;

"The Navy commander took charge of the event from a command post in the sea. He ensured that the six ships received warnings to turn back and an invitation to sail to the Ashdod Port to complete the delivery of the aid through land crossings after an Israeli security check. In all these cases we were firmly turned down."

"In the largest boat, called 'Marmara', there are 570 people. The fighters, who arrived with ladders and came down from ropes, encountered what they described as a near lynch.

"There was serious violence, cols arms, knives, we have a stabbed soldier, clubs. You can see that every soldier that came down was attacked. This is not the activity of peace activists."

According to an initial military report, more than 10 activists who took part in the sail were killed and several were injured. Arab media provided conflicting reports on the casualties, some stating that 15 people were killed and 50 were injured.

The IDF reported that four Navy fighters were injured, one of them sustaining serious wounds. The injured were evacuated to Israeli hospitals by helicopters.

The real battle political of propaganda though has just begun

What we can be certain of is that in the very last days of this age...Israel will be standing alone and God will rescue them as He did in days of old.

1 comment:

  1. North Korea can blow a ship out of the water but Israel can't use paint ball guns. Hummm. Someone is look’n foe war. The world doesn't bat a eye at North Korea but everyone is quick to jump down Israel's throat. God said that there would be days like this.
