
Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Glimpse of Anarchy

What happens when there is no law and order? We haven't seen it in America for quite some time but it is happening at this very moment somewhere on planet earth.

The latest place that is experiencing serious unrest is the old Soviet Republic of Krygyzstan and a major city is literally on fire as dozens have been killed and thousands injured. They have begged Russia to send troops to restore order...but so far Russia has declined.

Kyrgyzstan's government appealed to Russia on Saturday to send troops to the former Soviet republic in a desperate attempt to stop the ethnic riots that have rocked a southern city and left 77 people dead.

The violence began Thursday evening as several hundred Kyrgyz and Uzbek youths clashed in Osh, the country's second-largest city. At first they battled with fists, sticks and metal rods, but soon the numbers grew to several thousand, and they were fighting across the city center using automatic rifles, shotguns and other weapons, a witness said.

"I don't know what the army is doing, but they seem to be only making the situation worse," said Kokhramon Madaminov, 26, an ethnic Uzbek who had gone with his wife to visit his parents in Osh a week ago and was stranded. "The troops are driving in tanks and armored vehicles along the city street and shoot from cannons and large-caliber machine guns at every opportunity, and naturally they hit residential houses and destroy them."

See it here;,0,7007947.story

As money and products get scarce....people get desperate. When people get desperate they begin to group together in families, clans and races. It's a recipe for disaster.

Do you think this couldn't happen in Los Angeles or Miami?

Think again.

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