
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Gulf Turns to Blood

Last week we wondered aloud if the red oil covering the Gulf of Mexico wasn't a foreshadowing of Revelation. John the Revelator sees a vision of the ocean turning to blood.

Now check out this headline;

Gulf oil spill news: 'Gulf is bleeding' ... its shores turn red

With its arrival on the Panhandle, oil from the BP disaster has now reached the shores of four Gulf states - Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama in addition to Florida - turning their marshlands into death zones for wildlife and staining beaches rust and crimson.

One official said the affliction brings to mind the plagues and punishments of the Bible.

"In Revelations it says the water will turn to blood," said P.J. Hahn, director of coastal zone management for Louisiana's Plaquemines Parish. "That's what it looks like out here - like the Gulf is bleeding. This is going to choke the life out of everything."

See it here;

This headline shows that even the scientists seem perplexed at why this spill seems to be red;
Experts Puzzled at Red Gulf Oil Slick
This occurrence is highly unusual

One of the most defining traits of any oil spill is the fact that it's black. The tar and crude cover the surface of land or water in a thin, black layer, which causes a lot of damage, and also gives the slick its characteristic look. But this does not appear to be the case with the most recent disaster of this nature. The oil spill taking place in the Gulf of Mexico for the last month has covered the waters of the Atlantic Ocean with a reddish slick, which has left scientists puzzled.

See this article here;

Poor perplexed and puzzled inhabitants of planet earth! We can only hope and pray that God continues to wake folks up....before it's too late for them.

Hat tip to Jennie D. for the articles.


  1. Foreshadowing -to provide clues for the reader to be able to predict what might occur later on in the story. It drops hints about the plot and what may come in the near future. It suggests certain plot developments will come later in the story. It gives hints about whats going to happen next in your story.

    MATTHEW 24:6-8
    Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still NOT YET.

  2. Oil could very well be the blood of all previous inhabitants. Sounds like science fiction, but I am starting to believe the earth is bleeding to death. Jen

  3. You are right in that the world could be bleeding to death...and it will start to go into violent convulsions because it has been so defiled. Revelation is pretty clear that's what's going to happen. But with every death comes life and how awesome to look forward to the Millenium when the Prince of Peace will be on the throne and no more worries, disease or hearthache will be found! That day may be sooner than we realize!

  4. Is the earth bleeding?

    China Fights the World's Other Huge Oil Spill
