
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Iran to Test Israel

We all have heard about the flotilla from Turkey that was meant to provoke Israel. After some good Arab PR showing some dead "peace activists" killed by Israeli commandos....the provocation of Israel looks as if it may continue.

Now Iran is planning on sending a ship to test Israel's blockade on Hamas in Gaza.

Iran will send a ship carrying aid to the Gaza Strip to try to breach Israel’s blockade, while four Iranian lawmakers plan to visit the Palestinian coastal enclave if Egypt gives them visas.

The Iranian ship loaded with medicines and hygiene goods will leave this week, and a second vessel may be sent at a later date in an attempt to bring volunteers to Gaza, the Persian Gulf country’s Red Crescent Society said today, according to a spokesman who commented by telephone and declined to be identified in line with agency policy.

Iran, an Islamic nation headed by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, doesn’t recognize Israel. Ahmadinejad has repeatedly provoked controversy by reiterating his country’s opposition to Israel’s existence and saying that the Jewish state is nearing the “end.”

See it here;

Of course Iran will be hoping for some sort of confrontation so that they continue to push towards conflict and chaos.

Remember, Ahmadinejad has said that he believes that global chaos is the condition necessary to usher in the 12th Imam.

Do you think a full blown war in the Middle East might spark some global chaos?

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