
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Public Support for Iran Strike

I received this info today from author Joel Rosenberg:

(Philadelphia, PA, June 24, 2010) -- An intriguing new survey of international public opinion indicates deep concern over the mullahs in Iran obtaining nuclear weapons, and strong support for preemptive military action to stop Tehran from getting the Bomb. According to the Pew Research Center's Global Attitudes Project 2010....

* In 16 of the 22 states included in the survey, people who were polled said they would support preemptive military strikes against Iran to prevent the mullahs from obtaining nuclear weapons compared to avoiding a military conflict with Iran, even if that means allowing the mullahs to have nuclear weapons.

* In the U.S., 66% support a military strike on Iran, compared to 24% who object.
* In France, 59% support a military strike, compared to 41% who object.
* In Germany, 51% support a military strike, compared to 39% who object.
* In Great Britain, 48% support a military strike, compared to 37% who object.
* In Egypt, 55% support a military strike, compared to 16% who object.
* In Jordan, 53% support a military strike, compared to 20% who object.
* In Lebanon 44% support a military strike, compared to 37% who object.
* In Brazil, 53% support a military strike, compared to 33% who object.
* However, in Turkey, only 29% support a military strike, compared 37% who object and would allow Iran to get nuclear weapons.

That said, I don't forsee a U.S. or NATO preemptive strike to stop Iran from getting the Bomb, especially with General David Petraeus moving from CENTCOM commander to running the war in Afghanistan. Will Israel launch a strike? That remains to be seen, but if Netanyahu orders one, don't expect these poll numbers to hold up. International public opinion would likely turn decisively against Israel in such a conflict.

That's pretty interesting that even the folks in Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon support a strike in Iran. Who would have thought?

So basically if the U.S. or NATO decides to strike Iran, more folks will support it than object to it....but if ISRAEL strikes Iran....many of those same folks who claim to support a strike will end up having a cow.

How racist is that?

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