
Friday, June 11, 2010

Puzzling Scientists

It seems that the blue whales have changed their tune....and scientists are puzzled. Hence just one more sign that nature is groaning....groaning for what it longs to be.

The Blue whale–the largest animal ever to inhabit our planet–has been tracked by researchers since its numbers were perilously close to extinction in the 1960’s. Much of this tracking has been accomplished through underwater monitoring of whale “songs”, which are sung exclusively by male whales. These long, and fairly complex, sonic compositions are believed to be the means by which these whales attract mates. Over the past several years, the world’s blue whales have begun singing a different tune, of sorts; the frequency range of their songs has gotten significantly lower. And, this is happening, “in concert” all over the world–where ever these massive Cetacea migrate, feed, congregate and mate.

Scientist are puzzled as to why these blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) are using this much lower “frequency band”. Some have speculated that they are competing with communication noise from increased shipping in there territories. However, this explanation does not satisfy scientists.

See it here;

I wonder if we all spoke "whale"...and could listen in....if the whales have recently changed their message and are saying in a deep bass voice, "Jesus is coming!"

Hat tip to Christine P.

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