
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Rebirth of Israel is a Sign of The End

Prophecy watcher, Jack Kelly, has a great article including Biblical passages that spells out why the rebirth of Israel in 1948 is a major sign that the End of the Age is at hand.

See it here;

Let's be sober and awake so our Master can find us watching when He returns.

The time may be closer than we think.

Have you shared the Gospel with anyone lately? Have you given your testimony to your friends and neighbors? Are you working with the talents (spiritual gifts) that the Holy Spirit left you with?

Let's all test ourselves to make sure we are busy about the Master's work.


  1. The Tragety Of The Unopened Gift

    Everyone has an ability a gift a calling.
    Some never get cultivated, developed or used-
    Until weeks become months
    And Months become years.

    And one day you're looking back on a life of:
    Deep, intimate, gut-wrenchingly honest conversations you never had;
    Great bold prayers you never prayed,
    Exhilarating risks you never took,
    Sacrificial gifts you never offered,
    And you’re sitting in a recliner with a shriveled soul,
    And forgotten dreams, and you realize there was a world of desperate need,
    And a great God calling you to be part of something bigger that yourself-
    You see the person you could have become but did not…

    You never followed your calling. You never got out of the boat.

    Do the "math" and you'll see that there isn't much time.

  2. Hi Dennis,

    This link is a great overview of the end times. Thanks for the post.

    On the world affairs side of the house...

    It appears that Tehran and Damascus are working well together:

    Ahmadinejad: Iran, Syria's Identical Views Foil Enemies' Plots

    Stressing unity of the two Muslim countries, he reiterated that Tehran-Damascus strong
    bonds are not restricted to political ties or limited to a specific period of time.

    "Experience has shown that wherever and whenever Iran and Syria
    entered the scene, they have always gained victory," he added.

    I would also note that Turkey and Iran Confer on Religious Affairs. Turkey was the seat of the kalifate under to Ottoman empire.

    TEHRAN (FNA)- A delegation from Turkey's Dianat (religious affairs) Organization
    met with the representative of Iran's Supreme Leader for Hajj Affairs and discussed ways to expand the two countries' religious relations.

    Have your read the book the Coming Prince by Sir Robert Anderson ?(1841-1918).

    Here is a link

    It lays out the Metonic cycle of the biblical prophesy. It builds on the work done by Sir Issac Newton 1642-1727.

    Have a look at Gavin Finlys youtube videos

    Yours in Christ,


  3. Hi Dennis

    It appears that lines are being drawn.

    Do you think that the ships from Lebanon will join up the Iranian ant Turkish ships???

    Wed,Tammuz 11, 5770

    Lebanon to UN: Israel will suffer consequences if our ships are attacked
    Israel warns it would use 'any means necessary' to stop Lebanon Gaza-bound flotilla from breaking blockade.

    Hezbollah reportedly stockpiling 40,000 rockets
    Lebanon-based group training guerillas to use missiles capable of hitting Tel Aviv, says The Times.

    New hit song for Palestinian children: When we die as martyrs
    'Birds of Paradise' produces song in which children welcome death to regain Palestine.

    Please remember to pray for Mercy in your prayers...

    As long as the salt remains the door to the age of grace has not been shut.

    May our father in heaven pour out his spirit like rain.

    Yours in Christ,

