
Monday, June 14, 2010

Running Out of Time

Not too many comments are needed by me on this one. You can't help but note the prophetic title of the article.

Volcker Warns: We Are Running Out Of Time

America is running out of time to fix its huge economic and fiscal problems, warns former Fed chair Paul Volcker, who now heads a financial advisory board to President Obama.

"Restoring our fiscal position . . . sorting out a reasonable approach toward limiting carbon omissions, and producing domestic energy without unacceptable environmental risks all take time," Volcker writes in The New York Review of Books.

"We'd better get started. That will require a greater sense of common purpose and political consensus than has been evident in Washington or the country at large.

"The risks associated with the virtually unprecedented levels of public debts as the U.S. emerges from recessions are evident, Volcker notes, and must be effectively dealt with now. Dealing with uncontrolled borrowing is “not a matter of intellectual awareness but of practical confrontation,” he says.

Anyone needing illustration of the economic threats of uncontrolled borrowing needs only to look at Europe, where $1 trillion has been marshaled from national and international resources to deal with rebalancing the European economy, Volcker notes.

“Financing can buy time, but not indefinite time,” he points out. “The underlying hard fiscal and economic adjustments are necessary.”

See it here;

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    Just finished a book on sovereign nation defaults. This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly by Carmen M. Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff

    Another great book "The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World" by Alan Greenspan It is a heavy read but will give you a fantastic window into how we got to where we are. Of particular note I never knew Alan and Ann Rand were such close friends.

    Bottom line here, we are a poster child for a sovereign nation default. But rest assured there are options to rescue us once this happens.

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