
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Saudis Said What?

The first report is that Saudi Arabia has given permission for Israel to fly over it's airspace to attack Iran...and they will pretend that they never saw them.

Saudi Arabia has conducted tests to stand down its air defences to enable Israeli jets to make a bombing raid on Iran’s nuclear facilities, The Times can reveal.

In the week that the UN Security Council imposed a new round of sanctions on Tehran, defence sources in the Gulf say that Riyadh has agreed to allow Israel to use a narrow corridor of its airspace in the north of the country to shorten the distance for a bombing run on Iran.

See this here;

The second report is that Saudi Arabia HAS NOT given permission for Israel to fly over.

Saudi Arabia would not allow Israeli bombers to pass through its airspace en route to a possible strike of Iran’s nuclear facilities, a member of the Saudi royal family said Saturday, denying an earlier Times of London report.

Earlier Saturday, the Times reported that Saudi Arabia has practiced standing down its anti-aircraft systems to allow Israeli warplanes passage on their way to attack Iran’s nuclear installations, adding that the Saudis have allocated a narrow corridor of airspace in the north of the country.

See that here;

So how could that be? It's either one or the other right? Wrong. Remember this is the Middle East. They can say one thing and then leak the opposite. That way...they can use either report to explain themselves regardless of the outcome of any event.

If Israel does attack Iran, watch for the Saudis to lambaste Israel and act terribly surprised at the carnage that Israel has caused on it's "Muslim brothers".

But on that very same day the Saudis will send a HUGE box of chocolates to Netanyahu and his military advisers...and the card will say, "Thanks a ton Israel...we owe you BIG time! Now please eat your chocolates and destroy this card. We will resume our verbal attacks on your country immediately."

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    Just did a little light reading.

    Here are some things for your blog...

    Saudi Arabia Beheads and Nails Murderer's Body to Cross.

    Note in the body of the article. Rape, murder, apostasy, armed robbery and drug trafficking are all punishable by death under Saudi Arabia's strict Islamic law.
    Apostasy is belief in Jesus.

    Group of teenagers attacks Jewish dance group with stones in Germany

    Published June 24, 2010

    Yours in Christ,

