
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Worst Flooding

Dozens have died in France as a result of the worst flooding they have seen in 200 years.

Honestly, I don't know if it's a good way for your thoughts to work, but when I saw this article the first thing I could think of was, "I wonder what France has recently done to Israel? Did they vote against them, slander them, support their enemies....what?"

The worst rains in nearly 200 years wreaked havoc on southeastern France in recent days turning deadly. Torrents of flooding water more than 6 feet deep were unleashed accounting for 22 deaths with more missing.

France’s Var region has seen its worst rains since 1827. Up to 16 inches of rain fell near Draguignan, an amount normally seen in six months.

Patrick Galois of France Meteo, the nation’s meteorological service, told the Associated Press, “We've never seen so much rain in the month of June.”

See it here;

Did you catch that...."We've NEVER seen so much rain...."?

What's up with all the floods? Arkansas, Oklahoma, France...India, China?

Check this headline as well;
India, China hit by heavy floods
About 90 people have died and over 70 are missing as a result of heavy flooding in India and China. Heavy rains have wrecked havoc on India’s largest city of Mumbai, affecting the movement of air and rail traffic and causing electrical blackouts in some areas.

Thousands of buildings and hundreds of kilometers of roads have been destroyed by flooding in the south-eastern part of China. Almost 1.5 million people there have been affected by the floods. About 600 flights were grounded at Beijing’s Capital Airport.

Here it is;

All you can say is that the earth is groaning. It's getting ready for the day when Satan will no longer hold the title deed to it....and will be cleansed and remade by the Prince of Peace.

What a day that will be!!


  1. Hi Dennis,

    In Shiite Muslim teaching, the Mahdi's second coming will be marked by apocalyptic times. Wars, famines and floods will ravage the earth and then comes judgment day and a battle between good and evil.

    Here is a good link with a Shia flavor on the Mahdi:

    Yours in Christ,


  2. Temperatures in the triple digits along America's East Coast are prompting cities to open cooling shelters and offices to crank up their air conditioners -- sparking fears of blackouts amid increased electricity demand.

