
Thursday, July 22, 2010

China Buildup

Let's see....not only do we need to have China keep loaning us more money, but we currently owe them $1 trillion...and now we are "concerned" about their military buildup. Hmmm....something doesn't smell good here.

“I have moved from being curious about what [the Chinese] are doing to being concerned about what they are doing,” Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told troops at a town hall meeting in South Korea Wednesday.

Mullen said the military is concerned that it does not have a clear picture of China’s intentions. The country suspended military-to-military relations with the U.S. earlier this year after the U.S. said it would sell $6.4 billion worth of weapons to Taiwan.

See it here;

"The borrower will be slave to the lender," says the word of God.

I'm just a dork from Buffalo, but maybe I need to stop by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and tell them what China's intentions are; THEY INTEND FOR US NOT TO STIFF THEM OUT OF THEIR HARD EARNED CASH!

Remember, Revelation speaks of the "Kings of the East" being a major player during The we would expect to see their stock rise as we approach The Day.

Sadly, this means that we would also expect our (USA) stock to fall as we approach The Day...because we are suspiciously absent from Revelation.

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