
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

IMF Playing Larger Role

A few years ago, few would have even heard of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and today it seems like they are in the headlines a few times per week.

The latest headline is that the IMF is urging Japan to raise taxes to avoid a serious financial problem.

July 14 (Reuters) - The International Monetary Fund on Wednesday urged Japan to act soon to reduce its huge public debt using measures including a gradual increase in its consumption tax.

The IMF said the severe recession and large fiscal stimulus measures pushed Japan's public debt to 218 percent of GDP. Without a fiscal adjustment, public debt would rise and approach 250 percent of GDP by 2030, it added.

With the proportion of debt to GDP reaching historical levels and one of the highest among rich nations, the IMF said fiscal consolidation was unavoidable in Japan.

See it here;

Why is this interesting? Because you can see how the IMF is going to soon need to loan money to countries to keep them afloat. Once that happens the, "Debtor will be slave to the lender". The IMF will soon be able to call all the financial shots.

And of course it makes no global sense to have 190 different currencies because it costs the global economy $billions of wasted time to convert and transfer those currencies.

So at some point the IMF will suggest that we have a global currency...just one monetary system for us all.

As one famous prophecy watcher is fond of saying, "You can almost hear the footsteps of the Antichrist."

Encourage each other with the fact that the church will not be hear when the Antichrist is revealed. (2 Thessalonians)

1 comment:

  1. America's new debtor prison: Jail time being given to those who owe

    Read more:|main|dl9|link3|
