
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Israel Warns Libya

First it was Turkey who tried to break the Israeli blockade of Hamas in Gaza. And of course that led to all sorts of Muslim angst against Israel.

Now it's Libya's turn attempt to break the blockade. And Israel is telling them they won't do it.

A Libyan ship carrying aid and activists is heading for Gaza in a mission that Israel has described as an "unnecessary provocation".

The Israeli navy is monitoring the vessel's progress and preparing to intervene if it continues on a course to Gaza.

"I say very clearly, no ship will arrive in Gaza. We will not permit our sovereignty to be harmed," the foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, said in a radio broadcast.

The ship, Amalthea, sailed from Greece at the weekend. It is carrying up to 15 activists and 2,000 tonnes of food and medicine, according to the organisers, a charity chaired by a son of the Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi.

See it here;

What makes this news even more interesting is that the OT prophet, Ezekiel, told us that in the very last days that a coalition of nations would attempt to destroy Israel...and Libya was mentioned 2800 years ago as being one of the players in that coalition.

So as we watch The Day draw close it should not surprise us to see Russia, Turkey, Iran, Ethiopia, Sudan, Libya and others start to show animosity towards Israel.

One other obvious tip off that this Libyan mission IS NOT for humanitarian aid.....the Libyan people are poor beyond belief and Libya is not a country that is real concerned about human rights.


  1. Hi Dennis,

    Here is another interesting development for your blog.

    Looks like Gomer or Togarmah is taking sides with Hamas.,20203-Turkey-Adopts-Hamas-Agenda.aspx

    ANKARA [MENL] -- The Islamist government of Turkish Prime Minister Recep
    Erdogan has adopted the agenda of the Hamas regime in the Gaza Strip, a
    senior analyst said....

    Soner Cagaptay, a senior researcher at the Washington Institute for Near
    East Policy, said Erdogan and his supporters have become the leading
    supporters of Hamas in the Middle East. In an analysis that appeared in the
    Turkish media, Cagaptay said Erdogan's Justice and Development Party has
    led the new Turkish policy of embracing Hamas and other Islamic regimes in
    the region.

    Run down of layers in players Ezekiel 38 / 39

    please let me know if this is not the line up...

    Magog, Meshech, and Tubal = Russia, and her republics
    Persia = Iran
    Cush = Ethiopia
    Put = Libya
    Gomer = Turkey
    Beth-togarmah = Turkey, Armenia, Turkish-speaking people of Asia Minor

  2. Hi Tom,
    by my reading, I would concur with your list of nations. Of course current day borders are not the same borders as 2800 year ago when Ezekiel was writing...but the general area of the countries you mention certainly give us a pretty good idea.

    It is simply amazing to watch the speed with which Turkey has gone from closest Muslim ally of Israel to one of it's most vocal enemies.
