
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Slap Israel

David Cameron is Britain's new Prime Minister. He was just in town schmoozing with Obama and they seem to have hit it off well. Goody for us since we English speakers need to stick together....and much is made of our "special bond" with the United Kingdom.

But David Cameron recently made some very serious remarks....when viewed through the third lens of scripture.

Western leaders have been puzzling over how to respond to the Turkish government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, which in recent months has abandoned its former policy of seeking integration with Europe and begun seeking to establish itself as an Islamic power -- with cosy relations with Iran and Syria.

On Tuesday Britain's new prime minister, David Cameron, tried shameless pandering. In a speech delivered in Ankara, Cameron first denounced European opponents of Turkey's membership in the European Union, saying they were motivated by protectionism or prejudice against Islam.

But Erdogan lost interest in the E.U. some time ago. So Cameron embraced the Turkish leader's new favorite subject: the evils of Israel.

"The Israeli attack on the Gaza flotilla was completely unacceptable," Cameron said. Then he added: "Gaza cannot and must not be allowed to remain a prison camp."

See it here;

Holy cow! Those are some seriously flawed words that our closet ally just made! He just buttered up Turkey (pun intended) at the expense of Israel?

When you put this on top of the fact that anti-Semitism is growing at rapid speed in's getting harder to argue with the idea that we are heading fast into the VERY LAST DAYS.

The author finishes this article with this;

That (comments against Israel) may win the new British government some points in Ankara. But the price will be paid by Israel, which has just seen the international campaign to delegitimize it gain a little more momentum.

The Bible tells us that Israel will be alone when Russia, Turkey, Iran, Libya and others gather to destroy her. Her friends will have abandoned her. It sure looks like the new prime minister has started down that path of abandonment already.

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