
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

All or None

Adm. Mike Mullen's comments on NBC's Meet the Press on Sunday has touched off a firestorm of sorts when he admitted that the US has a war plan in place to attack Iran, just in case... (see

Many students of God's Word are watching for Psalm 83 (for many reasons) so one has to wonder how might Iran be neutralized for a short time, before they march towards Jerusalem with the coalition of nations mentioned in Ezekiel 38 & 39. The following might be one possibility.

Bombers, missiles could end Iran nukes

A Pentagon strike against Iran would rely heavily on the B-2 bomber and cruise missiles to try to destroy the regime's ability to make nuclear weapons, analysts say, after the top U.S. military officer said a war plan is in place.

The missiles, fired from surface ships, submarines and B-52 bombers, would take out air defenses and nuclear-related facilities.

The B-2s would drop tons of bombs, including ground penetrators, onto fortified and buried sites where Tehran is suspected of enriching uranium to fuel the weapons and working on warheads.

"It will be primarily an air attack with covert work to start a 'velvet' revolution so [the] Iranian people can take back their country," said retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney, a former fighter pilot.

The Obama administration this summer won the backing of the United Nations for another round of economic sanctions against Tehran, but there are doubts that limits on banking and trade would ever persuade the hard-line Islamic regime to give up plans to become a nuclear power.

In Tehran on Sunday, Yadollah Javani, deputy head of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards, said his country would make the Persian Gulf region unsafe for all if the U.S. attacks it over its nuclear program, Agence France-Presse reported.

"If the Americans make the slightest mistake, the security of the region will be endangered. Security in the Persian Gulf should be for all or none," Mr. Javani told the official IRNA news agency.

Iran is prepared to "make the Persian Gulf region unsafe for all" if attacked. Hmmm...does anyone not think oil would go to $150-200 per barrel overnight, or gas to $5.00 per gallon overnight?

1 comment:

  1. No doubt about gasoline going to $5 overnight. And what kind of damper would that put on our already elusive economic "recovery"?
