
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Extreme Weather

This morning's news was reporting from Ames, Iowa where the worst flooding "ever" is happening. The water tower has drained because of broken water mains and people are lining up for bottled water.

The extreme weather is breaking out simultaneously all over the world....just like we would expect "birth pangs" for the world to be.

The floods and droughts are now leading to crop failures and shortages would could soon put the world on edge with food shortages.

This prophecy watcher hits the nail right on the head in explaining what we are seeing;

No matter how one would like to keep optimistic in this day and age, it is very hard to ignore the fact that this earth is experiencing some serious changes. Russia is fighting a killer heatwave, raging wildfires, and threats of nuclear smog, while the Asian floods, landslides, are also taking massive tolls on human life, properties, and affecting the global markets. These are only a few examples of the world-wide extreme weather and natural disasters occurring simultaneously around the globe today. Words and phrases such as 'unprecedented', 'never before in living memory' are now common, and describe many of these events, and one has to wonder, what on earth is going on?

The last days are here as the Word of God has prophesied thousands of years ago and viewing the current events through the lens of Biblical prophecy for days such as this can prove more accurate and truthful than any Scientist or man-made explanation - through which comes No real solution against the force of God. The solution and end of all these signs that will keep increasing until the time of the end, will be the Second Coming of Jesus Christ the Redeemer, when His Kingdom is birthed. These extreme weather events and natural disasters now occurring do not prove global warming is true - they prove that there is a God, a God Who keeps His Word.

The signs we are seeing now serve as a wake up call that the Tribulation time of judgment is coming, and for all to examine their own walk with God. Prior to the Tribulation, there will be a
rapture to Heaven, of all those who are the LORD's followers now on earth- all those who place complete faith in Jesus Christ - and that could occur at any time.

See it here;

For the last 4 years we have been watching and waiting here at Buffalo Covenant and we have watched the frequency of events increase. We are now at the point where things are moving very fast. I almost have a feel that we have been working on our fire drills just in case a real fire breaks out...and what we are seeing today is smoke from an actual, real fire.

Friends, Jesus could be close. Are we ready for the Lord's return?


  1. California overdue for major quake, study says

    Scientists say temblors along San Andreas Fault happening more often previously thought

    Researchers at the University of California, Irvine and Arizona State charted temblors that occurred there stretching back 700 years.

    They found that large ruptures have occurred on the Carrizo Plain portion of the San Andreas Fault — about 100 miles northwest of Los Angeles — as often as every 45 to 144 years. But the last big quake was in 1857, more than 150 years ago.

    The researchers said that while it's possible the fault is experiencing a natural lull, they think it's more likely a major quake could happen soon.

    "If you're waiting for somebody to tell you when we're close to the next San Andreas earthquake, just look at the data," said UCI seismologist and study leader Lisa Grant Ludwig.

  2. Could AIDS be the pestilence that Jesus described in the Olivet discourse? Since it is a world wide "plague"(Matt 24:7)

    This is what Dr David Jeremiah askes in his book that I am reading ESCAPING THE COMMING NIGHT (a study of Revelation)

    For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

    Is AIDS the forshadowing of the Pale Horse of the Apocalypse?

