
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Is Obama a Muslim?

This debate of whether Obama is a Muslim or a Christian simply won't go away. In fact, it seems to be gathering steam.

Today the discussion is all over the Google headlines.

"The president's top priority here isn't making sure that Americans know what a devout Christian he is, it's making sure that we're getting the economy on track and we're creating jobs in this country," deputy press secretary Bill Burton told reporters aboard Air Force One.

Mr. Burton said the president prays and communicates with a religious adviser every day, and noted he has spoken about his faith in the past.

Even so, a growing segment of the public has its doubts.

A Time magazine poll showed that nearly one-fourth or 24 percent of Americans believe the president is a Muslim, with only 47 percent answering that he's a Christian.

See it here;

Of course the liberal side of the media claims that the President's faith should have nothing to do with anything. This is very simply a lie when you take it apart at a very simple level.

What it the president worshiped the Dark Lords of the Earth? Would that be OK with the liberal media? What if the president was a Shiite Muslim and believed the the 12th Imam was soon coming to earth to usher in Sharia law? Would that be OK with the liberal media? Of course not...even they would be appalled. So clearly the liberal media is also lying when they say his religion doesn't matter.

The fact that Obama claims to be a Christian doesn't truly count for a hill of beans in God's kingdom. We all know that Hitler and many of the ungodly popes through time also claimed to be Christians...and it turned out not to be true.

I don't know what Obama is but I can tell you that it concerns me greatly that he was married by and had his kids baptized by Reverend Wright....who is clearly anti-Semitic.

If this nation has any hope under Obama we should continue to pray for him that the God of Israel, Isaac and Jacob would open his eyes and reveal to him what needs to be done by this nation to avoid a train wreck of epic proportions.


  1. Obama Responds to Glenn Beck Rally, Doubts About His Own Religion

    Obama was asked in the NBC interview about polls, including one conducted July 21-Aug. 5 by the Pew Research Center, questioning whether he was a Christian, as well as others, such as a CNN poll in July that said 27 percent of Americans still think that he was probably or definitely born in another country.

    "There is . . . a network of misinformation, that in a new media era can get churned out there constantly," Obama said. "We dealt with this when I was first running for the U.S. Senate. We dealt with it when we were first running for the presidency. . . . I [trust] in the American people's capacity to get beyond all this nonsense."

    Touching on the related issue that some Americans believe Obama was not born in the U.S., he noted, "I can't spend all my time with my birth certificate plastered on my forehead. . . . The facts are the facts. And so, it's not something that I can I think spend all my time worrying about. And I don't think the American people want me to spend all my time worrying about it."


    see the whole interview here:

  2. Beck's Attacks Prompts White House Defense of Obama's Faith

    Since Beck's religious rally in Washington on Saturday, the talk show host has returned to critiquing Obama's Christianity rather than raising questions about whether the president is a Muslim. Beck has accused Obama of embracing "liberation theology, which is oppressor-and-victim."

    "It's a perversion of the gospel of Jesus Christ as most Christians know it," Beck has said.

    That led to this exchange at today's White House briefing for reporters:

    QUESTION: For the last four days, Glenn Beck has criticized the president for believing in liberation theology, which he calls a Marxist form of Christianity. I have two questions. One, does the president, to your knowledge, even know what liberation theology is?

    GIBBS [After pausing for laughter]: I don't know the answer to that. I will say this. I -- a crude paraphrasing of an old quote, and that is, people are entitled to their own opinion, as ill-informed as it may be, but they're not entitled to their own facts. The president is a committed mainstream Christian. I don't -- I have no evidence that would guide me as to what Glenn Beck would have any genuine knowledge as to what the president does or does not believe.

    QUESTION: When's he going back to church?

    QUESTION: So this Marxist form of Christianity...

    GIBBS: Again, I -- I can only imagine where Mr. Beck conjured that from.
    Many Christians wonder where Beck conjured his criticisms from, as well.

    Liberation theology is a body of thinking that emerged in the 1950s and 1960s in Catholic circles in Latin America (though it had some roots in post-war European thought) as a Christian response to endemic poverty. Liberation theology linked spiritual liberation to liberation from economic suffering. That combination at various points took on Marxist elements that earned condemnation from the Vatican even as Rome embraced the underlying tenets of liberation theology.

    For one thing, Obama has actually never espoused liberation theology, and tends more toward the Christian realism of the Cold War-era theology of Reinhold Niebuhr. When Obama does speak of biblical liberation, it is usually from the Old Testament narratives of the Exodus story familiar to Jews and African-Americans, in particular. And as one scholar recently reported, the scriptural passages Obama cites elsewhere are usually the most familiar and mainstream for all Americans.

    Moreover, liberation theology is actually a body of teaching widely embraced by Catholic and Protestant leaders, though perhaps less so by Mormons like Glenn Beck.

  3. President Barack Obama spoke Thursday night at the lighting of the national Christmas tree on the ellipse, just outside the White House:

    He said:
    This is a very proud holiday tradition. Snow or shine, in good times and in periods of hardship, folks like you have gathered with presidents to light our national tree. Now, it hasn’t always gone off without a hitch. On one occasion, two sheep left the safety of the nativity scene and wandered into rush-hour traffic. That caused some commotion.

    Often, the ceremony itself has reflected the pain and sacrifice of the times. There were years during the Second World War when no lights were hung, in order to save electricity. In the days following Pearl Harbor, Winston Churchill joined President Roosevelt to wish our nation a Happy Christmas even in such perilous days.

    But without fail, each year, we have gathered here. Each year we’ve come together to celebrate a story that has endured for two millennia. It’s a story that’s dear to Michelle and me as Christians, but it’s a message that's universal: A child was born far from home to spread a simple message of love and redemption to every human being around the world.

    It’s a message that says no matter who we are or where we are from, no matter the pain we endure or the wrongs we face, we are called to love one another as brothers and as sisters.

    And so during a time in which we try our hardest to live with a spirit of charity and goodwill, we remember our brothers and sisters who have lost a job or are struggling to make ends meet. We pray for the men and women in uniform serving in Afghanistan and Iraq and in faraway places who can’t be home this holiday season. And we thank their families, who will mark this Christmas with an empty seat at the dinner table.

    On behalf of Malia, Sasha, Michelle, Marian, who’s our grandmother-in-chief, and Bo - don’t forget Bo - I wish all of you a merry Christmas and a blessed holiday season.

    ---I am still not sure even when he says this line: "Each year we’ve come together to celebrate a story that has endured for two millennia. It’s a story that’s dear to Michelle and me as Christians, but it’s a message that's universal"

    Christian and universal??????

  4. That's amazing April. That is NOT why Jesus came! He came to die in our place so we could have peace with the Father. It's all heading towards a one world religion...and I have a feeling it will happen REALLY fast after the rapture....when the restraining Holy Spirit is removed.
