
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Moderate Muslims

Of course the debate is raging surrounding the mosque that is slated to be built within a block of the 9/11 catastrophe.

Here's how the debate goes;
--"This is America which prides itself on freedom of religion. Build a mosque anywhere you want! After all...most Muslims are moderates and they shouldn't be punished for the sins of a few!"

---"This mosque is being built supposedly to build bridges between Islam and the rest of if that's true, why don't they put the mosque somewhere else and let them start the bridge building in that way?"

I heard one commentator say, "If churches weren't allowed to be put up where ever a Christian had committed a crime....then there would be no churches in this country!"

What a flippin' idiot! The liberal commentator wants to label some Christians getting a parking ticket, or protesting an abortion clinic as a "crime"....and then hopes to make that about equal to a bunch of Muslim radicals flying planes into the Twin Towers, killing thousands and causing billions of dollars of damage.

On Tuesday, the Wall Street Journal had a good opinion article titled, OUR 'MODERATE MUSLIM' PROBLEM.

Items of interest in the news media's coverage of "moderate Muslims":

• The New York Times, Oct. 19, 2001: "Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki, spiritual leader at the Dar al-Hijra mosque in Virginia, one of the nation's largest. . . . is held up as a new generation of Muslim leader capable of merging East and West."

• NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams, Dec. 9, 2004: "It's the TV industry's newest experiment, 'Bridges TV,' billing itself the 'American-Muslim lifestyle network,' featuring movies, documentaries, cartoons. . . . It's the brainchild of Aasiya Hassan, an architect, and her husband, Muzzamil Hassan, a banker, who are disturbed that negative images of Muslims seem to dominate TV, especially since 9/11."

So of course the media has held up some of these examples as "moderate Muslims".... we are told it is a brand of Islam that all of us should embrace.

Here's the problem;

Most readers probably know of Awlaki as the U.S.-born imam who presided over the mosque attended by two of the 9/11 hijackers. Awlaki also served as theological mentor to Fort Hood killer Nidal Malik Hassan, would-be Christmas Day bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, and Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad. President Obama has authorized the military to assassinate Awlaki, now thought to be living in Yemen.

As for Bridges TV, the saccharine story told by Brian Williams and reporter Ron Allen (complete with scenes of the family's domestic bliss in their modest home in Buffalo, N.Y.), came to an abrupt end in February 2009, when Mr. Hassan beheaded his wife after she had filed for divorce, evicted him from their home, and won an order of protection.

See it here;

Did you catch that?? The dude beheaded his wife....and Brian Williams had held this guy up as a prime example of a "moderate Muslim". And even liberal Obama has ordered a hit on the other "moderate Muslim".

Now we are being told that the director of the 9/11 Mosque is also a "moderate". Oh really? Just because you say you are a that true? Just because Hitler said he was a Christian...was it true?

Friends, we are told that Satan is the Father of all lies. Furthermore, we KNOW that Islam is an entire pack of lies. So ask yourselves....who is the power that is currently behind the spread of Islam?

The fact is that Islam has a long history of putting mosques on the very spot where Muslims had an incredible victory. That's why there is a mosque on top of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem....and that is why Islam wants to put a mosque VERY CLOSE to where fundamental advocates of the the religion brought the Western world to it's knees back in September 2001.

Make no mistake....Islam wants that mosque there so the Muslims from around the world will remember the power their religion had...whenever they see it or visit it.


  1. Obama's Religion Still at Issue for Many Americans: A Fifth Say He's Muslim

    It just won't go away. The Pew Research Center reports that a growing number of Americans -- nearly one in five -- think President Obama is a Muslim, despite evidence to the contrary.

    At 18 percent, the number is up from 11 percent in March 2009, soon after he took office. The nationwide telephone survey reached more than 3,000 on landlines and cell phones in late July and early August -- before the president's comments last weekend in support of the right of Muslims to build a mosque in Lower Manhattan near the site of the 9/11 attacks.

    "The view that Obama is a Muslim is more widespread among his political opponents than among his backers," Pew said. "Roughly a third of conservative Republicans (34 percent) say Obama is a Muslin, as do 30 percent of those who disapprove of Obama's job performance. but even among his supporters and allies, less than half now say Obama is a Christian."

    Obama is a Protestant, although he has not affiliated with a church since moving to Washington. His father was Muslim and the family lived for a period during his childhood in Indonesia, a huge Muslim country. In Chicago before his election as president, Obama was a member of a United Church of Christ congregation (famously led by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright).

    see the reat here:|main|dl1|link1|

  2. Saudi Arabia Urged Not to Paralyze Man as Punishment

    Saudi Arabia was urged by a human rights group not to deliberately paralyze a man as punishment for injuries he inflicted during a fight.

    Saudi media reports indicate that authorities have contacted several hospitals to ask if they would be able to sever the man's spinal cord. One of the hospitals has indicated it is able to perform the operation.

    The authorities are seeking the punishment at the request of the man's victim in the fight. The victim, Abdul-Aziz al-Mutairi, is able to make a request under sharia law, since he himself was left paralyzed by the fight.

