
Monday, August 23, 2010

Restrainer Withdrawn

The Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit is what restrains evil on this dark, Satanic planet. If it wasn't for the Holy Spirit the whole planet would have gone to hell a long time ago.

1 John 5:19 tells us, "We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one."

That means that this is Satan's planet and that we are dropped in here (by Christ) to snatch other's from the Satanic hell that awaits us all if we don't accept God's grace. That is to be our mission.

When the restraining power of the Holy Spirit is withdrawn (2 Thessalonians) can see Satanic evil break out on a regular basis. Since the Holy Spirit is in-dwelling in all believers....wherever their is a lack of believers, you can expect to see really nasty stuff.

Today I caught this glimpse of Satan running loose. Where? Africa. It shouldn't surprise us that Satanic stuff is running wild all over that dark Christ followers are in very short supply and Satan has put his top defenders over that entire continent.

JOHANNESBURG — Rwandan and Congolese rebels gang-raped nearly 200 women and some baby boys over four days within miles of a U.N. peacekeepers' base in an eastern Congo mining district, an American aid worker and a Congolese doctor said Monday.

Four young boys also were raped, said Dr. Kasimbo Charles Kacha, the district medical chief. Masudi said they were babies aged one month, six months, a year and 18 months.

"Many women said they were raped in their homes in front of their children and husbands, and many said they were raped repeatedly by three to six men," Cragin said. Others were dragged into the nearby forest.

International and local health workers have treated 179 women but the number raped could be much higher as terrified civilians still are hiding, he said.

See it here;

Honestly....who rapes baby boys except Satan? I would bet the men who did this probably were jacked up on demons, voodoo, drugs and porn.

Satan is having a field day. And his rage is growing as he plans an all out pillaging of planet earth when the Holy Spirit is TOTALLY WITHDRAWN.....which of course will happen at The Rapture.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    Here is a link the the front lines of the fight.

    Trinity (Trinitarian) beliefs a world away from Monotheism

    The deception is to have people deny the trinity and Calvary.

    Yours in Christ,

