
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Santa Muerte

We have all heard of the thousands of Mexicans being killed in the most heinous of ways. We are told that this is the result of drug wars. OK...that makes sense if the drug lords are killing anyone who gets in their way...including all the cops and government officials.

But what is going on in Mexico may have more to do with praying to Satan than it does with simple drug wars.

Are you familiar with Santa Muerte? It literally translates to English as "Saint Death".

It would appear that millions of Mexicans are praying to some skeleton/saint in hopes that they will be protected from death. So instead of praying to Jesus Christ who is the ONLY intermediary to God the Father....they are literally inviting Satanic influence right into their midst.

I would bet a chunk of change that this is the very reason WHY the killing and brutal violence is getting worse with every passing week.

Of course this is connected to the false Catholic tradition of praying to dead the logic would follow...why not pray to the king of dead saints....Saint Death?

Check out this Time photo essay to get your antennae up so you know what type of Satanic influence is wrecking Mexico. Also keep in mind that this influence is spilling over into America by the Mexicans who worship Saint Death right in our own country.

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