
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Spiritual Healing

As I was posting the previous post from Time...I came across another feature. This one is a slide show called;

Spiritual Healing Around the World

See it here;,29307,1878443_1842216,00.html

As you go through the 16 pictures and Time's description of what is happening in each photo....see if you can identify how many of the practices have Satanic deception at their core.

But I guess this shouldn't surprise us....because the apostles told us that we were strangers and aliens on this dark, lost, Satanic planet. So we should fully expect Satanic deception to be running wild.

It's just tragic when you see the deception creeping into territory that was once claimed by Christ....and now it's followers have tossed Him out.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    I like your posts over the last couple of days. Have a look at this article.

    Lieberman: Settlement building should restart in September
    No reason why construction should not resume in major West Bank settlements when 10-month
    freeze ends on September 26, foreign minister says.

    I speculate when building starts things will heat up.

    Yours in Christ,

